The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

In Real Time

Warn my Love—shut office in real time
To shun emotional practice in real time

Challenge my sense, call me in silence
This is man who will notice in real time

Repeat the history and borrow a crime
If you don't allow the justice in real time

With my rivals, you walk hand-in-hand
You are caught accomplice in real time

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A Visit To Graveyard

On Thursday evening
I pray near a Grave in Kashmir
Incense sticks
And candles
Lit in bundles
Aroma makes me feel
As I kneel

This is land of my forefathers
Where they rest
I too look for a place nearest
I belong to these graves
Here my soul craves
To sleep till eternity
In the Eden of divinity
What else I should ask
That has more dignity

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graveyardzadibalkashmirmirza sharafatforefatherslandaromaedendivinerestplacediginity

Rainfall Tonight

Let me return to past, let me recall tonight
With me cries, each corner and wall tonight

What let flowers to slit throat in my garden
Who has invoked the curse to fall tonight

My screams have awoken people from sleep
Separation to be mourned in rainfall tonight?

He might be Abbas-e-Ali collecting tears
Mourners have sighted him tall tonight

Mirza, your phone is ringing since evenin...

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curseflowersgardeninvokemirza sharafatmuharramrainfall

Story of Night

So you are lost in dreams so deep whole night

And I long to hear phone's beep whole night


At dawn, I realised, my awakening

Though my destiny remained asleep whole night


I know the remedy, I know the toxin..

What to lose, and what to keep whole night


She might have waited for me to take her back

This is what made me to weep whole night


Sharafat, night is...

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asleepawakebeepdeeplovemirza sharafatphone

I Call Him Azrael

Is this the end?
I ask 'Azrael'
Where shall I depart
Where shall I restart
Where to take my heart?

What if the answer is silence
And if
Angel of Death
Steals my breath
And Says:
"We Love you more
Then you adore
Your Leila"

What Shall I say
On that day
When I will be alone on my way

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Liveangel of deathazraelmirza sharafat


The way, she did to me
Is the way I did to her
The way, where hearts broke
The way,
I will never return to

The way where
Sun used to long last
The days spent in the past
Still, when thy feeling arises
My day neither sets, nor rises

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ravengepastinjuryinflictmirza sharafatfeelingarisesday sets

Words About To Break

Why don't you kill me
By the speed of light
And forget those times
When evenings vanished
On our wet heads
And when we together
Sighed so much that
We were prone to break

Let me hold you
In my endless arms
Where I will lose you
In the depth of Love
And I will find you
Again in the dreams
The dreams those
Crave for my sleep
In my sleepless nights

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eveningmirza sharafatkashmirsleeplessnightsdreamslove

Scattered Beauty

And then
When the night nighed
Her beauty sighed
She looked again into mirror
Beauty scattered by any error
Her face is a piece of cheater
Expert as liar quite neater
Then smoke emanated
As if my wishes detonated
Glasses broke into pieces
Ashamed of reflecting her face
To my Love, this is disgrace

Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh

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Invaded Identity

I am me

Who said this? 

So is my body

An invaded custody

Occupied by her

Thoughts and memories

Two sided glossaries

Not a reflection is mine

That would determine

My own identity

Out of my sanctity


I may be a string

Of any cacophonous Sitar

Where she creates

On my wounds

Riot of sounds

Without bounds

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Me ne mujh sa kayir, beywafa paya koyi nai
Sharafat!   Teri  izzat  abhi   tak  khoyi   nai

Tu ley aa usey ke dhar uska  khula  hai abhi
Shayad   uski   aankhein  abhi  tak  royi  nai

Har  jhapakti  palak  me   ye   bheegha  pan
Meri    aankhein   to  furqat   se   soyi   nai

Sharafat, is  roz  to   umeed  bhi  na  yi bhar
Tere    dhar  se  aaj   bhi  guzra   koyi   nai



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lovehopeurdu poetrysadmelancholyromanceintrospection

Arzoo (02)

this is a free verse poem

By: Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh

Hum  to  yun  aam   hai,  pur naaz    hotey
Warna  ap   par   bhi   asar   andaz   hotey

Tere  saaz  se  kaha  mili   hai  meri  awaaz
Phir   tere   asraar    ke    humraaz   hotey

Dikhatey hum manatey  hai  yaaru ko kaise
Kabhi  aa.kar wo hum se  to naraaz  hotey

Is Ishq me daikhey  hain  jo  Qatal gah  bhi
Kaash  us   ...

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lovemirzaseparationsulkyurdu poetry

Testimony: An elegiac poetry account on Battle of Karbala

By: Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh

My sight caught few papers scattered
On the shelf, sunk in time.
I wiped dust cautiously from papers,
So words could remain intact.
Yet, soul energetic and each word
Sustaining therein, though condoling.
And a number of couplets
Each on paper finding reciter.
I pushed the window to let air in
And perched on old window frame‟s sill, wide and thick...

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battle of Karbaladirgeelegyimam husayn hussainislamic poetrylullabymarsiyashia islamthrenody


By: Mirza Sharafat

Khushboo se mehakta aisa hi sansaar hota
ye mosam mere yaha har baar hota

tujhe manaana baar baar sirf hunar hai mera
tera roothna phir kis qadar dushwaar hota

tu kar chuka hai soda emaan ka, ehsaas ka
bawajood iske tu kabhi sharamsaar hota

fakhr e talwaar wo, qatil e kufaar hota
youm e ashoor hamrah Hussain ke Mukhtaar hota

tu haar chuka hai baazi Sharafat ki...

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spring seasonlongingsulkyemotionssentimentsashamedmuharramashuraimam hussainhazrat mukhtaararmybloodshed


by : Mirza Sharafat Hussain

Tere  janey  ke  baad  hawayein  beyqaraar
Khushk   aabshar  ,   fizayein   sogwaar

To suno meri udaas aankhon  ka  raaz
Kisi  ki  yadun  me  meri  aahein  girftaar

Ye  itna  parayapan  achanak  na  guzrey
Tere  paas  aate  hi  bahein  sharamsaar

Rotey  kuch  mei  ne  bhi  mangha  hai  rab  se
Pyase   labu   se  meri  duayein  ashkbaar

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Aisa Kyu

By : Mirza Sharafat

mujhe  kya ,  har  cheez  me  tera  ghar  lagta  hai
wo  sama ,  teri  ghali  ka  wo  manzar  lagta  hai

pawu  zameen  pa rakh  ke  samandar  lagta  hai
teri  muhabbat  ka  asar  is  qadar  lagta  hai

Sulagti  huwi  aagh  pa  mujhe  chalney  do  rafiq
Har  qadam  pa  maloom  uska  reh  guzar  lagta  hai

terey  ansuvu  ki  jo  na  kar  sakey  qadar
phir  dil  usk...

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Kohl                                                                                                                                           By : Mirza Sharafat

night has enveloped, to give me some relief
now invisible are walls of separation, and thy grief

where blood quenches the thirst
disloyalty is faith last and first
is the religion my beloved belongs to

I beckoned, red and bla...

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lonelylonelynessmourningmelancholyrainingkashmirloveseparationpainsorceryladychildhood love

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