The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Strip me down

When anyone says that word

it hits the wall I keep up for protection.

It slides down succumbing to the flames;

but when you spew that unwanted word

it flies to old heights.

Over the wll, crashing down on me.

Fills my being with the weight of a thousand rocks

pushing down on my soul.

I never wanted to heart that word again:


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How sick is it that I want to strip away all your new found happiness

Squeeze your memory dry of her

Rip open the healed stiches on your heart

And find myself sliding down, inch by inch

Making myself comfortable

In what is rightfully not


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selfishbrokenmemoryi'm a sap

Can't let go

You're all I see

You're all I breath

You're all I feel

And all I need

Every morning I wake 

You're the pain I receive 

Love is such a damned word

But baby please come back to me

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letting gofearpainlove

They say you remember your first love forever

How pained am I to have you haunting my dreams every night

Burning holes in my heart as I inhale all that we were

They say it's better to have loved than lost

But tell me, isn't that what we did?

We lost our chance to make this what we desired

Did the flame burn low or did I blow it out

I'd rather forget every memory that we were t...

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