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DreamJournal (Remove filter)

Switching Cameras

Some nights my dreams play like movies
I am cast in many roles
At any moment the dream can repeat 
A glitch?
Or just a change of camera?
A new perspective to explore
The show must go on 
But who am I entertaining?

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There are more unremembered dreams 
Then I could possibly care to say

We spend half our lives in sleep
Dreams are the organizational tools of our sleeping minds
The scratch pad we use to make sense of the world 

Where fleeting glimpses of dreams remain
A lingering familiarity,
A half-formed dream
Picked up on some other night

They linger on the cusp of consciousness 
Teasing ...

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Antique Shop

It was a maze, a winding path of curios
Mirrors and racks of clothes 
Books and Jewelry 
Furniture in various states of disrepair
Glass and China
Silver and Records
And plants
So many plants
Ivy creeping up the walls
Curios shelved on great tree roots 
Flowers of all sorts growing out of the wallpaper and paintings
This dream is a quiet one
Spent wandering, looking, touching, and inves...

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The Performance?

What to say about it?

That it went off without a hitch, we all know that’s not true

I couldn’t find my tutu

Then I couldn’t find my slippers

The worst?

I don’t think I ever practiced

I have never even seen this place before…

That's a lie.

I see the dormitories I slept in, what was it months ago?

But that’s how it happens some dreams are just connected.

Now the curtain...

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