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Junk Dreams

In dreams, places that I’m not supposed to be are filthy and stay that way

If I’m meant to be there, the way to clean will appear

And I’ll clean

A way to unclutter the junk

There are brooms and mops

Scrub brushes and gloves

Rags and pine-scented cleaner

Lemons and vinegar

Baking Soda, Salt, and Water

Buckets and Furniture polish

I wash and clean

Scrub with bubb...

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Dream Journal

The Ship

It’s a Hell ship

The Inquisition has made this place their home

Careful you’ll be accused

No one seems to know of what, just accused

Pick your Poison

They have it all, even poison.

Unless it's quick, there is no quick here.

Don’t linger, move

Don’t look too long

The Iron Maiden squeezing shut

Two men are becoming stew

Don’t look!

How did I end up here?


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lucid dream

Chainsaw Bridge

There is a bridge in my strange city 

Ships need to pass

So up it goes.

A normal bridge until it pulls back, revealing its teeth 

Whoa to the walker, find a groove

A notch 

Or else you'll fall as up it goes

Hang on tight as it starts to spin 

Carnival lights and the revving starts 

Your notch isn't safe, hold tight as it flips and spins 

Up in the air spinning, whirli...

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Weird Dreams

The Train

It circles the city, looping in endless Ouroboros

The train does not pass through

People ride in unending loops 

How they came to be on this strange train is unknown

They exist here without reason 

There are no signs to say where you are 

No way of knowing if your stop is next

Not until you're at the platform if you miss it, count

Try not to miss it again

The rule: take ...

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DreamsWeird Dreams

Strange City

It's a Strange City, reoccurring in my dreams 

I appear in different places 

At different times

I always recognize it 

I look out and see where I have been

It exists only in my dreams, filled with people and no one

They are faceless 

Sometimes they are manikins

I can see it when I close my eyes.

The House doesn't exist in the city 

The City changes as I move through i...

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Dogs and You Know Tornados

Dogs and Tornados 

But not dogs in tornados 

Nor tornados made of dogs 

Nor dogs pretending to be tornados

Nor even tornados masquerading as dogs

Just a dream, a strange dream of Dogs that includes Tornados

Before, when I've dreamed of Dogs 

There would be The House pretending to be a lake house

The Dogs would snarl and bite

I was never able to scream

In this the Hous...

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Red Clay

My dreams have been strange 

Leaping rivers give way to slick clay- red and thick

I wash and wash until I melt away

In that house, I wander, opening new doors and exploring rooms

Rooms stacked high with towers of books

My bed rest high above my head

Balanced on the book towers, so I climb

Reaching the top my bed is gone

It doesn't matter, I'm not tired 

I leap cloud to c...

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The House

It's a house of many rooms

When it first appeared it was haunted

Ripped curtains, torn upholstery, and filth

The house only had a few rooms open, the others with doors locked solid

I drove the ghosts out, even as they claimed to be family 

Nightmares never last

A childhood holdover to refuse creepy dreams

Semblance of Lucidity

I know when I am Dreaming... sometimes

The h...

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Tents in the Desert

The pounding of the rain woke me

As sure as coffee 

It woke me 

I dreamt of crashing waves that night

Howling winds of desert sands, thirsty for nature's elixir

I dreamt of tents cast in bronze and raw silk 

The howling winds straining at the ropes

The smell of rain on dry sand 

The clouds racing the moon 

The pounding of the rain on the window woke me 

Starting me fr...

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Falling- Perfect Blue

I dreamt of Falling - once

I faced the sky and not the ground

coming into the dream midfall

Air rushing around me, only blue surrounding me 

Not as water does, but the air like silk 

Battering and howling past myself and the cold blue sky.

I fell forever, stomach cartwheeling

feet to throat to feet again

Until I wasn't ...

The metal crumpled like paper, buckling from imp...

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falling dream

Invocation of the Watcher


Fallen Angel of the written word, speak to me my doom.

You who taught man to put chisel to stone, ink to page.

Speak to me, teach me to better my craft.

I could call to Calliope and Melpomene of that Greek fame

To make my words flow as Nectar and Ambrosia and Ichor

To feed and bleed the Gods in their sleeping temples 

Now quiet as ages pass

I'd rather you, 


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