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Dreams (Remove filter)

The Train

It circles the city, looping in endless Ouroboros

The train does not pass through

People ride in unending loops 

How they came to be on this strange train is unknown

They exist here without reason 

There are no signs to say where you are 

No way of knowing if your stop is next

Not until you're at the platform if you miss it, count

Try not to miss it again

The rule: take ...

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DreamsWeird Dreams

Red Clay

My dreams have been strange 

Leaping rivers give way to slick clay- red and thick

I wash and wash until I melt away

In that house, I wander, opening new doors and exploring rooms

Rooms stacked high with towers of books

My bed rest high above my head

Balanced on the book towers, so I climb

Reaching the top my bed is gone

It doesn't matter, I'm not tired 

I leap cloud to c...

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The House

It's a house of many rooms

When it first appeared it was haunted

Ripped curtains, torn upholstery, and filth

The house only had a few rooms open, the others with doors locked solid

I drove the ghosts out, even as they claimed to be family 

Nightmares never last

A childhood holdover to refuse creepy dreams

Semblance of Lucidity

I know when I am Dreaming... sometimes

The h...

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Tents in the Desert

The pounding of the rain woke me

As sure as coffee 

It woke me 

I dreamt of crashing waves that night

Howling winds of desert sands, thirsty for nature's elixir

I dreamt of tents cast in bronze and raw silk 

The howling winds straining at the ropes

The smell of rain on dry sand 

The clouds racing the moon 

The pounding of the rain on the window woke me 

Starting me fr...

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