Chemical Skies, Dyes and Dies
How In Heaven's Name
Did These Chemical Skies Arise
Burning Down Our Hopes
Our recollections
Of True, Blue skies
Why in Hell's Name
Have We Allowed Chemical Lies To Abide
Drowning our muted cries
Our questioning
Of The Chemtrails Crime
When Will We Count The Cost
In Human
In Plant
In Animal
In Water and Soil
When It's All O...
Sunday 12th January 2014 3:09 am
There is a Tavern
Upon the hill
A quiet lair, set pencilled
Against the setting sun
The gently eager wind
Rustles hushed whispers
Through the penitent trees
They wait
As pendulum clocks
Eyes feasting on every flicker
Black lace, crystal clicks
Swooping tantalisingly low
Feel the sheathes of their scythe
Saturday 4th June 2011 10:06 pm
Liberate the library
This is a book sanctuary – preserve it
A secular chapel where prayers are answered
Or held tight to, deep found meaning.
This is the repository of an everyman ‘reformation’
A democratisation of the enlightenment
Of the mind
Where meritocracy showed its first face
Dismantling of such freedom of information
Is nothing othe...
Wednesday 6th April 2011 5:19 pm
Buried Birds
Where do birds bury their dead?
I know they do…
Walking in woodlands,
Parks, leafy streets
Cross-cut with instant meadow
Inter-lacing gardens, cross-hatched
With secretly nesting winged-wonders
Emerging to eat, scavenge, court,
Talk, endlessly talk..
Now the muffling commune of ice
Has freed blind stores of food
Beyond this killer camp of cold
Tuesday 4th January 2011 9:46 pm
Buried Birds
Where do birds bury their dead?
I know they do…
Walking in woodlands,
Parks, leafy streets
Cross-cut with instant meadow
Inter-lacing gardens, cross-hatched
With secretly nesting winged-wonders
Emerging to eat, scavenge, court,
Talk, endlessly talk..
Now the muffling commune of ice
Has freed blind stores of food
Beyond this killer camp of cold
Thursday 30th December 2010 12:24 am
Iris full
Deep pink-purple haze
A blink, the horizon
Awash with rainbow colours
Touching everything
Turquoise slides indigo
Rainbow colour
Bathing the earth
Visible with the setting
Look hard
Dazzling spectra shade
Here, there, on you
Without even knowing
Without a drop being shed
Alive adorning every
Monday 20th December 2010 8:46 pm
The way you walk
The child walked barefoot
No shoes.
The child rubbed grit, well borne
From the soles of her feet
From the soul
No shoes.
The child stopped to pull thorns
From the tender leathery spine
Of her feet, so neat
No shoes.
The child hesitated to walk through
The sparkling ice-sharp wastes
Of the glen, she moved on
Again and again
No shoes.
Wednesday 15th December 2010 11:43 pm
Snow place to cone
Snowplace likes home
Home like snowplace I know
Fireplace replace ice space
And snowplace in this cone
Take the particle of this icicle
And know your own home
A rash, a thaw…freeze-frame
Crows claw
Snowplace likes thaw
In this eye-gravel of frost
Hand becomes raw
Tears become acid
Breath becomes more
Heavy pulse in the crunch-step
Saturday 20th February 2010 4:03 pm
Midges in my head
Where do they come from..
Some dark, dank place
Swirling and swarming
Biting and charging
All these midges
Pervading me
Invading me
I am midges
Everything translates
To midges
Take these midges
Make them your own
Frame them
Re-frame them
Do they form
...Thursday 11th February 2010 10:51 pm
You gave me flowers..
You gave me flowers
So beautiful
So fecund
Thick with perfume
So rich it dripped from fleshy petals
Devoured my senses
Ran through my fingertips
Finding my lips like dewey nectar
On the eager
Searching tongue of a humming bird
Leaving me reeling, intoxicated
You gave me flowers
Thursday 11th February 2010 10:49 pm
Education, my measure
Today I’m going to teach you a lesson. Anything.
We’ve had enough of algebra and conjugating verbs
I’m going to conjugate you. It is an ordinary lesson,
You walk in and talk crap and we shut down.
I squash your control with a flick of my ruler
Across a geeks head. Love that scream, everyone laughs
You scream at the top of your voice like my name counts
No one cares, I care less. Yo...
Saturday 20th September 2008 10:39 pm
We’ve gotta get up
We gotta get up
The economies down
We may hate Gordon Brown
But we’ve gotta get up
This is England calling
England calling
And we gotta get up
The markets may crash
Savings they may trash
And we’re all outta cash
But we’ve gotta get up
We gotta get up
We may be suing for divorce
Our whole life may be way off course
But we’ve gotta get up
We gotta get up
We’re al...
Saturday 20th September 2008 9:33 pm
Ink lies seeping
Nib slides
Into the rough magnified shag
Of vellum
Parched parchment
A gaping bird’s throat
Dry with need and longing
The long dryness of the desert
Screeching out silence song
Sliding, catching the top wisps
Of the brittle nap
Bleeding into empty spaces
Is it then
The ink lies
As it flows
Flows into the tissue
Tissue of lies
Lies full across the page
Inky words
Bleed into me
...Thursday 11th September 2008 11:39 pm
I’m a deviant clause
No time to pause
I’m a hesitant invective
No place to inject this
I’m a repetitive boar
See them head for the door
You’re an elegant suffix
Without need of a prefix
You’re grammatically correct
Syntactically sound
I’m a world of vernacular
A language of difference
No place for resistance
I’m a vowel, a consonant
You’re a sen...
Sunday 7th September 2008 1:17 pm
Sack the sat nav
Sack the sat nav
Magnetic resonances
Emanations from the core
Flock across the horizon
Free from the pull of earth
Wheel through the stratosphere
Spiralling ever higher, ever higher
Skimming the magnetosphere
Falling, falling, free-fall
Homeward bound
Ever homeward bound
Like a compass seeking true north
Like a pigeon to it's roost
Homing instinct
Homing in on you
Sack the sa...
Saturday 6th September 2008 2:24 pm
CAD Education for Leisure censored!
Has everyone gone mad?!
Today they shot CAD!
No not shot, pulled out the plug
Shut down the life support, lifeline
Of the very thorn of English poetry
No not pulled, flushed down
Flushed down the bog
This is the world of
The 21st century
Millennium bug Melt down
This is the world of cern’s attempt
At God-style alchemy
Black holes
Small enough to swallow the Earth
This is the w...
Friday 5th September 2008 9:41 pm
Farther than father can be
Farther than father can be
Don’t call him my father
I don’t have one
Never want one!
Takes more than your indiscretion
Poor judgement
Lack of backbone
Your desolation of hope
To name ‘that’ my father
How could you?
Why would you?
Fathers are a fairy tale
A sick joke
Alive in books
The stuff ‘dreams’ are made of
Delusions, illusions
Like Santa Claus and the tooth fairy
Why are ...
Sunday 31st August 2008 2:49 pm
I just want a dog!
I just want a dog !
For God’s sake, I only want a dog
It’s not like I wanna have sex
It’s not like I wanna get pregnant
It’s not like I’m gonna take drugs
It’s not like I’m asking for a car
I just want a dog!
You always had a dog when you were a kid
Why’s it SUCH a ‘NO, NO’ for me?
You’re so damn unfair
This is injustice
The exercise of parental power gone mad!
Sunday 31st August 2008 2:10 pm
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