The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Let me Bleed

Blue sea below stormy skies
No one sees bleeding eyes,
Or the pain and the heartache
That keeps me awake My dreams, all are shattered
My head truely battered 
This pain that I feel.....
Is surely unreal. Surely unreal. Pierced my armour 
Down goes my shield
Broken defences
Just let me bleed
Just let me bleed One day you'll regret
The things that you've left.....

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Brutal is the Beast


You're 'Brutal' she cries, don't dent my pride.
That word cuts deep, agony and pain;
Misunderstood he recoils yet again.
Torrents flow, while he bleeds inside.

Not interested in excuses, she wildly screams.
I'm just being honest he frantically pleads;
I have committed no terrible deeds.
It falls on deaf ears, with vanishing dreams.

You're not just my lover, but forever a friend...

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