The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


Can make me a puppet.

You can make me dance

And moan

And shake

And cum literally at the tip of your finger

You make my entire body move with your finger

(and your eyes)

You can make me feel my matter condensing to a single point at the tip of your finger,

I imagine it is glowing.

And sometimes when you’re making love to me

(I’m sorry, I know you hate that phra...

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lovesexsexual awakeninglesbianfire flesh love passion obsession

If you were the goddess reigning over us all

I would desperately, pathetically, devotedly

Drink the air you pumped into our atmosphere

I would dive in streams and love the trees

In an attempt to taste your essence.

In a thousand years I would wage wars in your name

Irrationally and unproductively

Because that’s not what you would ask

And it would not elevate me in your eyes...

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Love with ugly in itlove

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