The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.


It still doesn't feel real, 

my brain can't find a way to understand that it's real

that you are not here anymore

I still think that you'll come home

I know you can't, and you won't

cause I'm not crazy and I saw your grave at the cemetery

but still, I seem to forget you're dead

and when I realize you are,

I go back to that morning

when they called to tell me,

when the...

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some things are scary (but maybe not)

some things are scary

like a shadow behind you at night while you are walking home

or a strong noise  in the kitchen when you are home alone

or losing your mom at the store when you were little

and the fear is a strong feeling

it freezes you

it makes anxiety come

and everything seems blurred 

and it's hard to breath

and your heart is beating loud

and you can't hear an...

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The warrior who no longer fights

 Sky at dawn

sounds of storm and thunders,

flashes on the warrior

who no longer fights.

And he saw souls without a destination

and heard languages with no place to be used.

He met people who have never spoken

and people who will never speak again.

He fought devils who were mistaken for heroes

and he helped soldiers armed only with poetry.

He sought in the silences a w...

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I wish

I could dive into the ocean

and never come back.


I want to turn everything off

and forget to turn it back on.


I want to runaway

somewhere no one knows my name.


I don't want to answer any more questions,

cause everybody wants something from me now.





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all about happiness

When I was a kid

I used to think that happiness in life was all about

big happenings, great strokes of luck and flushy stuff.

And so I started looking for extraordinary things, I waited for special events to happen

but I was missing the real happiness

the small things and the small victories,

I didn't appreciate what really mattered:

the sun on my skin

the feeling of walkin...

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how to

how to not be afraid of losing someone?

how to stop to let everyone walk over me?

how to not be afraid of confrontation?

how to find someone I can really be myself with?

how to change?

how to learn to let someone go?

how to be a better me?

how to stop to always say sorry first?

even when it's not my fault

how to understand if someone really cares?

how to stop caring s...

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the red road

walking down this red road

with a broken heart

crying in the snow

hoping for it to melt

keep walking

crying in the storm

hoping no one will notice

cause these days you have to hide your weaknesses

crying cause this life is not how you wanted it to be

cause the grass is never green enough

and the wind is never strong enough

and it can't blow away your pain,

it ca...

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I am not as strong as they think I am.

I am not who they want me to be.

And I,

I can't be as they need me to be.

All this weight is just pushing me down.

I'm not strong enough.

They don't understand.

Their expectations are so fucking high.

They are waiting for me,

a stupid caterpillar,

to turn in to an amaizing butterfly.

But what they can't see

is that I'm no c...

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Sometimes I wonder how it feels to be a statue.

standing still all day while everything is moving so fast around you.

And you'd like to move too but you can't because you're made of marble, and it's heavy and stiff

so you just stay there, waiting for something to happen, 

but it never does.

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the first kiss

you and me.

on a happy couch made of sweet embarrassment and racing hearts.

people on the tv is talking but we don't even care

I don't even notice 

because on the other hand I only see the blue of your eyes

and that colour, in this light, makes me crazy.

I can only notice the sweet smell fo your breath on my face.

I can only notice you slowly getting close to me.

the millio...

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