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Nonet -Frangipani

Night heady with the lingering scents.. 
The tropical breeze caressing
Senses awakened to the peak.. 
Frangipani blooms, falls..
Left spirit healing 
Under the tree
Hoping to

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The unsaid

Words die before they give birth to expression..
Days end with languish and thoughts of abandon.. 
Never a glimmer,never a hint of admission.. 
Like the desert soil yearns to soak itself in the mizzle.. 
Like the parallel tracks always meet in a splendid illusion..
Hearts sing in unison the notes the minds won't dare to reckon.. 
Love draws strength from connections and not from otiose affir...

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My reflection

when I look at my reflection, I find scars.. 
scars of torn relationships
when I look at my reflection, I find shadows.. 
Shadows of painful bygone days.. 

when I look at my reflection, I find memories.. 
memories of good lived and unlived times.. 
when I look at my reflection, I find peace.. 
peace etched out by turbulence of mind
when I look at my reflection, I find solace.. 
solace o...

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One day

One day
One day the unsolved riddle will find its clues out.. 
One day this anxious await will no more exist.. 
One day the truth will dawn with no trace of any doubt.. 
One day we shall be destined to cross the roads of desist.. 

One day the mystery of unknown will cease to allure
One day new dimensions will emerge to explore.. 
One day our rendezvous would not be obscure.. 
One day we ...

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A door slightly left ajar to let escape.. 
A heart slightly frozen and agape.. 
A mind slightly bent to the doomed fate.. 
A life slightly in threshold to actuate. 
A moment slightly unreal to capture
A love slightly tarnished for hearts to rapture
A road slightly twisted to lead to destinations
A pure soul slightly alloyed to let in aberrations  .

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The farewell

There was no time left to repent.Her time had come.. 
Her serene face made one quiver
All those years of going away made this parting so painful..
Her face will haunt always in the years to come.. 
Her transgressions all forgotten 
yet the happy memories almost obscured by the time when all it was a vacant wall between them.
One wonders if they had more time together, would that have led to ...

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The Bending..

The bent of path changes the destination.. 
The bent of light alters the reflection.. 
The bent of state chaperons life into motion. 
The bent of mind culminates a distant vision.. 
It is the unique bent of life which transforms.. 
Creates an amazing collage of diversiforms..... 

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Meandering paths

Twisting, turning, dwindling lanes of the city.. 
Passages down the dwellings, never stirring lives
Superciliously cutting across the heart of the town.. 
As the sun rises the trodden path watches the spirited steps marked with joy and fervor
As the sun goes down it watches the weary steps lulling its walkways.. 
It dorns the silvery light watching the romance sizzle up in the strolls.. 

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