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poetry (Remove filter)


Slight shade in the brilliant sunshine..
Slight jaded is the blooming paradise..
Slight haze in the spectacular vista..
Slight marred looks the wide celesta..
Slight offbeat the rhythm of symphony..
Slight skewed is the path of destiny..
Slight shaky are the rippling waves...
Slight clamorous are those mind alleys..
Slight lost in thoughts
Slight wistful goes the heart
Waiting for the fo...

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The unknown

Known are the unknown striking  ways..
Yet the charm and desire of knowing it all..
Subtle poignant daisies of hope..
Blooming to spread joy and enthrall...

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I want to be magic... 
Enchanting, charming, casting spells of delight.. 
I want to be magic.. 
Swirling and shining like a crystal ball of light.. 
I want to be magic.. 
Unearthly, coalesced, in sync with the wider cosmos.. 

I want to be magic.. 
Spinning simple tales of lives, nothing any grandiose.. 
I want to be magic.. 
Absorbing  and enfolding myself  in the soulful poetry
I want...

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The unsaid

Words die before they give birth to expression..
Days end with languish and thoughts of abandon.. 
Never a glimmer,never a hint of admission.. 
Like the desert soil yearns to soak itself in the mizzle.. 
Like the parallel tracks always meet in a splendid illusion..
Hearts sing in unison the notes the minds won't dare to reckon.. 
Love draws strength from connections and not from otiose affir...

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Waves of colours cruising across the passage of time.. 
Crimson violent rages of youth determined to wipe out grime.. 
Yet xanthous cowardly and naive 
To unlearn safe lessons to
Uplifting hues of orange turns addictive.. 
Materialism and fame gets alliterative 
Leaden grey old age brings listful weariness.. 
Rainbows of life are mere shades of misery and ecstatic happiness...

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A door slightly left ajar to let escape.. 
A heart slightly frozen and agape.. 
A mind slightly bent to the doomed fate.. 
A life slightly in threshold to actuate. 
A moment slightly unreal to capture
A love slightly tarnished for hearts to rapture
A road slightly twisted to lead to destinations
A pure soul slightly alloyed to let in aberrations  .

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The haunted

Childhood memories brings a face never forgotten.. 
It comes alive with all its contortions in the dream
The face with a hideous grin, staring in the darkness with a strange and satisfying gleam.. 
Thoughts conjure up images of it so vivid
That smirk, that deliberate smile so abominable.. 
The encounter was oddish and so unreal.. 
Memories being blurred, yet encompassing and intolerable.. 

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Was it me or was it you who died that night.. 
Those bridges mended weren't strong enough.. 
The bonding could not ascend any dizzying height..  
Was it me or was it you who died that night..
It wasn't a dream ever to expect a shining armor knight 
Our alliance to the world outside was a simple and charming bluff.. 
Was it me or was it you who died that night..
You lost my trust yet we are ...

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Paralysed - A monorhyme

Stroke of time has played a brutal stroke.. 
Mind and body arrested in a stifling choke.. 
No words to articulate yet the spirit never broke ..
The body has stopped listening, cannot be evoked.. 
Lying on the bed, angry thoughts  provoke.. 
Not fair,as destiny has partaken a cruel joke ..
Nevertheless the spirit dare not paralyse... 
To give in now, will be a grave revoke.. 

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Right to write

The world so soaked in gory blood and violence...
Dormant lies the virtues of love and benevolence..
Cacophony of deafening debates and discussions.. 
Have choked and silenced our inner expressions.. 

There is an inner voice which impregnates the apodectic soul to have the right to write what truly is our creation
About tales of our simple lives, crafting joys, trials and tribulations......

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violenceinner voicewritepoetry

Like me..

I had never met anyone so much like me.. 
This strange rumination comes to me often..
A mirror of mine reflects all shades of white and grey.
Perceptions  almost align and sing in unison. .
Times when boundaries truly get blurred.. 
Yet there  are ones which bring solace that it's really not me.. 
An illusive reality that sets my conscience carelessly free.. 


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Soul mates

The ebbs and tides of a heart full of passion.. 
Emotions lie dormant within the depths of those ravines.. 
Only few can interpret the complexities and it's abstractions.. 
The tuggings felt by another soul, innocent and pristine.. 
An unknown  transcendent script to decipher.. 
Takes a profound  and a true heart to unravel it's mysteries 
And lifetime of wonders to encipher.. 
The one who ...

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heartsoul matemeaningpoetry

A triolet

I am yet to surrender to the ways of heart.. 
Knocking  on the vestige of conscience is incessant ..
The euphoria and the magic though they impart.. 
I am yet to surrender to the ways of heart..
One hears the mellifluous notes of the Mozart...
But the fate is sealed from the very start.. 
All those dreams are nothing but effervescent.. 
I am yet to surrender to the ways of heart..
Yes, the...

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The Bending..

The bent of path changes the destination.. 
The bent of light alters the reflection.. 
The bent of state chaperons life into motion. 
The bent of mind culminates a distant vision.. 
It is the unique bent of life which transforms.. 
Creates an amazing collage of diversiforms..... 

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They trickle  down ebbing the pain of bygone days..
They celebrate joyous times fervidly
Silent spectators, intensely flowing with craze.. 
They best know my soul and captures it so vividly ..

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