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The Dilemma

So much to learn,yet not much to say...
So much to yearn,yet heart betrays...
So much to unravel,yet that mystery to entice...
So much to admit,yet so hesitant to recite..
So much to ask,yet replies are forbidden..
So much to seek,yet beauty lies in the hidden....

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The far away

There is calmness when he is around.. 
An aura of warmth which is so alluring 
A balm of intimacy that pervades and surrounds 
Life is crazy and beautiful in thousand ways.. 
Slowly seeping into the core of my existences
He has filled my darkness with splendid rays
A connect felt so acute even from far off distances 

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A triolet

I am yet to surrender to the ways of heart.. 
Knocking  on the vestige of conscience is incessant ..
The euphoria and the magic though they impart.. 
I am yet to surrender to the ways of heart..
One hears the mellifluous notes of the Mozart...
But the fate is sealed from the very start.. 
All those dreams are nothing but effervescent.. 
I am yet to surrender to the ways of heart..
Yes, the...

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They trickle  down ebbing the pain of bygone days..
They celebrate joyous times fervidly
Silent spectators, intensely flowing with craze.. 
They best know my soul and captures it so vividly ..

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