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Nothing But Good

I love it when we sleep

all snuggled up like Babes in the Wood

a jumble of innocense

we are nothing but good.

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love; sleep; snuggle; innocense; goodness

Sorted (Haiku)

Things thought about whilst

pushing a vaccuum cleaner

around. All sucked up.

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Sorting thoughts; cleaning; clearing

From Where I Sit: Music and Movement

A small flock of unidentified birds

flies into the skeleton trees

and disappears.


What magic is this?


Smoke from the boiler-house chimney,

at the mercy of the fickle wind,

blows this way and that, confused

unstopping, white, following the music

of Mozart's violins: moving, then still

- a crescendo starts to build -

- falls away to keen -

- a lull -



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