The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.



CHOOSE LIFE, choose getting fired, choose beating the system, fucking the system, fuck the system. Choose office politics, small talk, polite talk. Signing birthday cards for people you don’t even like. Choose snacking because you are bored, eating cake because it’s there.  Filling up the coffee machine, smiling once you’ve done it. Choose getting praise for work you hate, hating work for peo...

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Done again

A brain that’s been tapped and tinkered is suddenly transformed.

A soul that’s been prodded and pulled is carefully put back in its place.

Thoughts have been dusted and polished and put away in their boxes.

A gut that been untangled, unknotted, instead now tied in a bow.


But then the scars to the brain have split.

The crack in its box is on display.

A scratch to the soul wan...

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Naomi Hefter - Treatment.

A brain that’s been tapped and tinkered is suddenly transformed.

A soul that’s been prodded and pulled is carefully put back in its place.

Thoughts have been dusted and polished and put away in their boxes.

A gut that been untangled, unknotted, instead now tied in a bow.


Then the cogs in the wheel turn again.


A scar to the brain has split.

The crack in its box is on dis...

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Working 9- 5, what a way to make a living. I hate those words Dolly sings.

Working in an office, I can’t put into words the misery it brings.


Boring old small talk, ‘Nice evening? Nice weekend? Nice lunch?

Listening to the office geek, you know the I.T guy you just wanna punch.


Checking the Daily mail website 72 times a day,

staring at the computer screen, hoping an alien ...

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Winter looms, memories lost.


Flakes of snow land in my hair. Nesting like the foam on yesterday’s cappuccino.

Cold air breathes around me. Steal scissors slicing my face without a wound to show.

Crunching heels, but only two, walk back home from another day’s day dreaming.

Dark nights loom and while I sit in the warming glow, frost still surrounds me.

Doorbell rings, I still sit in silence. Phone ring...

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Untitled - By Naomi Hefter

When I ran out of tears, but left with endless smiles to give,

I kept them close to my chest, living the life that I live.

Every day alone felt like endless time, who knew...

people thought I had it all, but I was still waiting for you.

You came into my life, fate had intertwined,

you felt like a sunrise, it just krept up me from behind.

When I looked into your eyes, I k...

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Yum Yum.

You can burn a photo, but you're left with the memory.

You can eat an apple, but you're left with the core.

You can abort a baby, but you're left with the scars.

You can eat an orange, but you're left with the peel.

You can kill a man, but you're left with the wounds.

You can eat a chocolate, but you're left with the wrapper.

You can cheat on a friend, but y...

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The Sky is finally clear

With pride being my weakess, I'd cut my nose off to spite my face,

but at the end of the day, it would only be me who falls from Grace.


So I walk on by with a Cheshire Cat grin,

and now the truth is out its only me who can win.


My rose tinted glasses are now fully removed,

I've only just realised it was myself that needed to be proved.


I had been blinde...

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Naomi Hefter


The last drop of hope was snatched from my heart,
I don't know how to accept that we are offically apart.
The words I read, cut through me so cold,
I dreaded to know the truth I knew would be told.
My images that once filled my mind are no longer just thoughts,
'cuz what happened was real,your lies I never bought.
My black hole now deepened with e...

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Naomi Hefter


Being single is shit, in every miniscule way,
I even miss the bad stuff in boyfriends, like him farting and pushing my head under the duvet.

Weekends are the worst, Sunday mornings together having a snooze,
no longer feeling his hard-on from behind, no longer feeling his premature ooze.

So I gorge on greasy pizza's, thinking "F*** it, I may as...

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