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​​​​​​Wintry nights, no sun shines

Where to bloom there's no place for gloom by my side

By the time, I will withered away 

But indelible marks wouldn't fade away 

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flower   time   winter   nights   bloom   gloom


Forgetting such moments are not a cinch

Wow factor is a life free of glitch

Those moments are just dreadly screams

Even so, they are just dusky dreams

Panting, whimpering, yearning and lamenting deep

Hark! wake up before they engulf your luminous tinge of last beam...

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moments   glitch   scream   yearning   luminous   Last beam


They took her exuberance and fled away

Let her sink in never ending milky way

Prancing here and there with utmost misery

She couldn't resist, merely

they are her love once again 

Only thing she can do 

Sway away from mighty grief and never go back again

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grief   love once   misery   resist


Ooo my dear, how will you survive in this fear

It takes up dearly years to face up all your fears

They can intervene thoroughly 

Making your gleam smile into echo sorrowly

I know you'r not a musketeer

But, you are bestowed with all the spellbinding dares

Muster up your all courage

Confront all the venoms in human tranquility

Just lift up your eyes, prick their desire's


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dear   fears   intervene   venoms


Sitting on a chair, gushness in open air

In the gloomy night whereas, everything is full of its might

Enjoying the trickles of nature bestowed for wholly creatures 

I closed my eyes, had a premoniton

I am in the place where no one is alive

Hence, only me and my little desires.

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bestowed   premonition. alive   desires

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