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Missile Ways

Missile Ways

What's up the sky and the Russian planes?

Before they're splashed by Stinger missiles

Whoosh! Missile away go go go kill a jet

Or chopper bring it down in the water

Let the crew freeze or drown

Some burn alive or get killed in the crash

How dare they invade Ukraine!

Teach them all a lesson forever

Some things not to be forgotten

Like Duncan in Dune 2021 d...

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Dot To Dot

Dot To Dot

Join the dots all in a line

Where do they all lead?


Land of failed empires

Defeated armies

Opium production

Terrorism central

Forget Lebanon

Afghan is number one

Ever since the 70s

The Soviets started it

All the rest added to it

You know the nations

Shall we bet who’s next?


Nick Armbrister and other...

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Neoblastic Rituals

Neoblastic Rituals

We gather high upon the hill

To do our ritual and spells

It’s dark up here with a breeze

Just like it was five thousand years ago

Our ancestors met up here

And did what we did here

One long connected circle line

We add to that each year

The veil thins and we chant songs

Their words have meaning

Carefully put together for this act

Reaching out ...

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Biplanes Attack!

Biplanes Attack!

The roar of the Nazi automatic guns

That threw their exploding flak shells

Mixed with the shout of our engines

And bone dry rattle of our machine guns

Gave the French battle scene life

As we strafed and bombed our enemy

To give our troops more time

Our biplanes were made to fight the last war

Not a Blitzkreig but a target was a target

We went after th...

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Call me The Baron. My full name is Nicholas Arthur Armbrister. I bloody hate that name! Do you know how I feel? My first name used when I’m naughty. “Nicholas, you’ve had a new tattoo!”

You must be part German with a name like that. Say it slowly out loud:


They got images of Hitler’s panzers and Blitzkreig, Stukas and goose steps. No denying my heritage, I’m p...

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Thread That Binds

Thread That Binds

While I walk down the middle of the icy road by the park in the snow, I wonder how many hearts were broken on that Baltic night. 9k dead, each a family member, husband, wife, son, daughter.

In my minds eye, I see the Captain standing on the tilting side of his ship, the Gustloff. Fire axe in hand, he tries in vain to shatter safety glass on the viewing deck. Many people are...

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sunk shipsww2death at seanaval warhistory

my new anti war book with andy n out now poem and link


Train Trip




I'm sat idly on the train, going to Manchester, having a beer.                                                

I see a poster on the wall of a cop, safety.                                                                        ...

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nick armbristerandy nanti war bookpoemshistorypeopletrue events

A Memory of Schooldays Cargoes

A Memory of Schooldays                                                                                                       


Quinquireme of Nineveh from distant Ophir,                                                                                                                                          

Rowing home to haven in sunny Palestine,                                    ...

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shipscargothe oceanpoemhistoryJohn Masefield




Think of old things, of people at ease,

lovers relaxing and life being lived.

If you could go back where would you go?

Would you go to an old Roman bath

and listen to idle talk?

Me, I’d go to the dawn of time

to see what was before.

I’d like to work in an old library

and read new manuscripts.

This is a journey back in time,

yours and mine...

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historyold peopleold thingstime travel

soviet bombers fragment




Silver-plated mothertruckers! Yey. The Russians have bombed Georgia targets inc a Black Sea port, oil pipeline, military targets, civilians, etc. 2 jets have been shot down, 1 pilot/aircrew killed I no of. I’m not sure of Georgian air force strength. They got 29 Su-27 flankers back in 92 when they left the Soviet block. Any jets since? All will be Russian kit. Russian t...

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soviet bombersjet planesbombshistorywar




Take the lid off the old wooden box and peer inside, what is there? What do you see? An old bullet from the Korean war, a discoloured gemstone from a broken lover’s necklace.

A curling yellow photo of lost teenage friends, now no more, one lost to drugs.

Some ancient coin from a faraway land, unreadable language.

Now put back the lid and pause for thought. If you were to have ...

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old boxkeepsakesmementoshistory




Out over the fields a pair of crows circle and dive amongst the hedgerows and green grass.

A watery sun casts its watery face through the spring clouds as the birds disappear from view.

Eighty years ago it was a similar story as two manmade hawks of the air battle to the death; the fields aren’t green but a shell-holed hell with muddy trenches filled with wretched...

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historyww1biplanesair warbattle

Brutal Not Comfort

Brutal Not Comfort

The soldiers of Nippon descended upon Asia in a vast horde of death.                               

Fighting anyone who dared oppose them, killing their enemies without mercy. Destroying everything from isolated houses to entire cities.                                        

Decades of looking inwards bred an evil military dictatorship.                                 ...

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ww2comfort womenimperial japanhistorykidnappedslaves

Eclipsing Karin’s Fracture




Eclipsing Karin’s Fracture

Fracture lines of frantic events. Pretty little German girl named Karin Ulbricht. Leipzig late 1989. Events so much bigger than just a mere pretty little lady. Daring to demonstrate for freedom. Do you know what you’re doing? Do you? Chasing a dream, not knowing what it is.


And know that you’re right, being in Leipz...

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cold wardemonstrationsarrestsyoung peoplehistoryyoung lady



The bayonet. I've had it a decade. There's provenance here... not written I'm afraid. My mate Richard, who I went to school with in 82-87, had a lovely sister. Lorraine. from a different dad. He was a soldier in the British army. He's dead now. He collected weapons, guns and knives. His wife asked Richard what to do with them. Some were real guns. I said tell any cops the guns are fake...

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lorrine battledaughtersoldierbayonethistory





This high brick wall borders East and West, a Cold War frontier that symbolises the divisions between two mindsets. A time of paranoia and of being taken away in the night, soldiers only following orders, you’re going to the East, not to be seen again as you’re an enemy of the state, Stassi style.

For those who resist and fight there is only one option, eliminate ...

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cold warberlin walleast v westgunslifedeathhistorygermany





SAC crews to your bombers your nukes are onboard it's time to do battle against the commie infidels.

SAC shield protects us two lightning bolts and one olive branch, you work it out - double offense.

Peace is our profession. Compared to old weapons it's the same but with infinetly more power,

nuke bombs are our new lances, the sky is our cast...

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nuclear warstrategic bombersstrategic air commandhistory





The big Victorian mill sits big and majestic all on its own.

Not many are left now, since the fall of the cotton industry.

It is such a shame – most were demolished, but this is the way

to the future and of cheap concrete buildings.

This one here is one of a few, preserved as a reminder

complete with huge old steam engine.

People take their c...

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old millvictorian eratourist attractionhistory






This high brick wall borders East and West, a Cold War frontier that symbolises the divisions between two mindsets. A time of paranoia and of being taken away in the night, soldiers only following orders, you’re going to the East, not to be seen again as you’re an enemy of the state, Stassi style.

For those who resist and fight there is only one option, elim...

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brick wallberlinhistory20th centurygermanycold warworld wars




My town is a cool town, where you can go and drink beer in many pubs and clubs, from rock and metal ones to trendy dance bars. Fancy dancing the night away? Night clubs are open till gone 4am, with girls to dance close to and cocktail drinks to exotically drink. See a live band in The Abbey or Whittles, see a drag act in The Dog and Duck or try some Real Ales in The Upsteps.


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positve oldham poempeoplehistoryculture





We drive past a cottage in the country

with its quaint decorative bricks

coloured and weathered by age.

The east wall overlooks an overgrown field

with three huge windows hung with old curtains

hiding a burning oil lamp.

This small cottage is two centuries old

and everyone has lived here

from old Victorian families to a modern eighties wri...

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An alabaster ceiling rose is ever so delicate,

a round swirling pattern that is a joy to look at.

It used to be white but now it’s all yellow

with centuries of grime and age old smoke.

People stop and wonder what went on under

the hanging lights, what was said, who loved

who and who dared to dance close.

Today the huge dance hall is empty


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ceiling roseoldhistorydancehall




My mate sent some song lyrics to me, by some band. I read them after reading my story on my nuclear armed stealth jet being used in anger. I’m trying to make sense of the cold war I grew up in now, so many years later. It’s so crazy. The younger kids have no idea but my mate does, he’s only 21 but he tries to understand what it was like growing up under the shadow ...

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lifecold wareast v westbloc of opposing forcesbeliefspasthistory

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