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It’s a fine line between victory and defeat. In the heat of battle do you know which is which? Think of the difference between genius and insanity, when does a brilliant mind fall over the edge? If someone spreads rumours between you and your girl, who do you believe? This is the game of life, when a wrong becomes a right and vice versa. We all go from one extreme to the other, at so...

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Decide the world's fate/nothing changes but the year/so who made YOU God?

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Alien Eyes

Alien Eyes

I see you there

Watching me now

Even facing away

You eyes reverse

Back of your head

How do you do that?

Are you an alien?

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This life, this people, this city.

All living in a certain geographical area – here, this city.

Dying eventually, one day which only God knows.

Today under a tram or of old age.

This city with many names, is it like your city?

I know you were a cold war target, so were we.

People make love, fight, laugh, cry

in your city just like in my city.

You have been...

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my new anti war book with andy n out now poem and link


Train Trip




I'm sat idly on the train, going to Manchester, having a beer.                                                

I see a poster on the wall of a cop, safety.                                                                        ...

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nick armbristerandy nanti war bookpoemshistorypeopletrue events

She Defeated Death

She Defeated Death
She should have left the city when the chance was there.                                                                                       
Before the Nazis came, closing the noose.                                                                                                      
She has so many regrets, except on her actions.                                ...

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new book projectanti war poemsnick armbristerandy nconflictpeople




The weight of the world on a spider’s web.

Everything is relative, life force flows in each blade of glass.

In each house is a guy or a gal just like me.

I see them from the Edge. This epiphany is mine.

Soon to leave my northern lands, south bound.

Writing to where? Autumn views from

Oldham Edge. When will I return?



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heavy worldthin weblifemepeopleevents

squash head




Squash Head


You drive your Mini in mad rush hour traffic

dodging buses like a pinball.

Thinking your 3-inch steel bullbars

will be strong enough to protect you.

Okay, wrong turn! Hit a wagon and see you burn

as Mini explodes and you die very badly.

Your Mini totalled in your crazy gamble but your

3-inch bullbars are still nice and shiny,

my squash hea...

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car crashwreckaccidentinjuriesdeathpeople

Hex contains swearing


This genie spell hex you put on me will kill me.

I want to die.

I'm sick of the anxiety and shit you cause me, in my head all the time.

Why did you magically bind me to you?

We belong together? Horse shit!

You belong in the bottom block.

You're nuts and drive me insane.

I must end my life and get away from you. Permanently.

I borrowed my mate's pistol. He's a dealer...

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revengespellbeen hexedsurvivalpeopledangerous woman




The crime is with the leaders, you caused the death of thousands,

destroyed two cities. Cursed your generation so it became the guinea pig,

the atomic generation. You all glow in the dark, legacy lasting to my life.

Now more have the bomb, ten thousand times bigger than the Hiroshima firecracker,

that destroyed your city. Old people walk happily down the str...

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nuclear weaponsatomic warhiroshimapowerful weaponstargetspeople



Old Hammer Divine

My anxiety is like an ambush predator.

WHAM! I’m fucked...

...fight back!


It’s fucked.


Would you manage a year in my head?

Would you?

Could you?

Should you?


I think you should...


...if you’re man enough then inbox me.

Into my head you shall go...


A mirror image of my town.

Shame it’s not Be...

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What a life, running on twin rigid train tracks going to a certain point

but how easy it is to come off then end up hurt!

You see, this is life and we are all in it together coping how we can to do our bit.

I do things differently than you. Sometimes I succeed while others I fail.

At least when I’m down I can say I’m not the only one.

There are o...

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human spiritbehaviourlifepeople




There I stand in the bakery before the huge steel metal machine, 100 yards long and silver. A cake machine worth a mint. All sorts of ingredients thrown together to make cakes, quite a mix! You’d need to see it for yourself to understand what goes on. Not a case of add this and that to make a cake, oh no. Recipes and correct steps to take.


Think of the engineering that...

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park cake bakeryproduction linemachinespeopleengineersindustryworkerscakes

Natalie. San Carlos Water and free download link

Natalie. San Carlos Water

Pieces of flotsam and jetsam floated on the early evening tide. Turning this way and that, always in motion. Never still, each bit jostling with the other for a foothold on the sand, being denied by the rolling water. Little bits of detritus in the ocean. In time, all would be land born...

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nataliewar to peacestunt aeroplaneaccidentskypeoplefalkands/malvinasfree download




Old factory was due to be knocked down and turned into rubble, recycle the materials and use the land again. A new start? Yet this building is structurally fine, a few broken windows and missing tiles, the idea of demolition is okay but you lose the heritage and a piece of history. Is that a good thing? How about doing it up and converting it to flats?

Keeping the building...

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One Step Ahead


One Step Ahead 

One step ahead of Imperial Japanese forces, we were kicked out of the Dutch East Indies fleeing for our lives. We escaped in Dutch Air Service Dornier 24 flying boats and others ending up at Broome, Australia. Free for now from the marauding Jap Zero fighters, they can’t catch us here!

Our Dornier is about to depart to sanctuary in southern Australia, we’re in the...

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warjapandutchaustraliaflying boatsfightersdeathpeople





Once we had it all, I had a nice raven-haired girl, took her three kids

on all happy families. Guess I did love you, were we really soulmates?

Yet you were never a goth, never understood that side of me. My England

let me down, our goth bands died and pop took over, Atomic Kitten, no way!

We split, I went Norway, gothic metal heartland, black m...

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peopleold friendsfall outtime passesclubmeet again




My town is a cool town, where you can go and drink beer in many pubs and clubs, from rock and metal ones to trendy dance bars. Fancy dancing the night away? Night clubs are open till gone 4am, with girls to dance close to and cocktail drinks to exotically drink. See a live band in The Abbey or Whittles, see a drag act in The Dog and Duck or try some Real Ales in The Upsteps.


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positve oldham poempeoplehistoryculture





We drive past a cottage in the country

with its quaint decorative bricks

coloured and weathered by age.

The east wall overlooks an overgrown field

with three huge windows hung with old curtains

hiding a burning oil lamp.

This small cottage is two centuries old

and everyone has lived here

from old Victorian families to a modern eighties wri...

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It’s hard to leave you all behind

all those times we laughed together,

once my friends but now no more.

All the special girls gone for good,

“Yes I’ll love you forever more”—

now just an aching memory.

Where are they now?

Do they think of me or block me out?

If only I could say sorry to those I’ve hurt,

turn the cloc...

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Dark blue ocean has so many moods, just like a person.

If you ever make one mistake you will pay for it dearly with

life; this ocean is a thing of beauty and of mystery, yet deadly.

So many planes and ships have disappeared into the dark waters –

who knows where they are now?

People sail the seas on such flimsy craft, old sea rafts and dangero...

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Dante’s angels have come for their souls,

they pounce on the unwary and the vulnerable.

No one is safe, for when you close your eyes

they will strike.

They show no mercy in their search for eternal youth,

it could be your soul or mine spirited away in

the night.

Angelica smiles from the moon,

she is all white and sensual but in a s...

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