Appreciate or Dream
This world even untouched is our playground.
The seagull catches the wind & glides high above the waves
I know he’s on a mission probably at his 9-5, but it looks like fun.
There’s a boy flying a kite, or is the kite flying him high?
I’m happy but can’t I still yearn?, or should I be content yet open?
It’s a sunny winter day here by the sea
The seagull makes it look easy.
...Saturday 1st July 2023 6:46 am
False sense of security
I hate that I saw the good in you that I couldn’t bring out in you.
I hate the person I was with you because you destroyed my non negotiable
I hate that we would have figured it out if it was anything else to get through
I hate that you touched me the only way I’ve wanted to be touched, to be known, to be felt!
I hate that you pulled the wool over my eyes, my friends eyes, my fami...
Tuesday 6th June 2023 5:41 am
Between Ego & Epiphany
Deep down you always know
And I knew,
I could provide for me more than you could
I knew,
I could protect me more than you could
And I should, trust ME more than I did!!!
I fell for all the talk without seeing a walk.
But now you’re jaded because I’m walking my talk........right on outta here!
Don’t think that I’m not sad or disappointed. But I have to s...
Tuesday 23rd May 2023 8:03 am
Just Talk
"You don’t know me, but I’m a man of my world Nicole"
"When you get to know me, you’ll see I do what I say I’m going to do".
"People don’t have any faith in me, so you can tell, Iv got something to prove".
"In time you will see I’m a man of my word".
Your just a man OF a LOT of words
Tuesday 19th July 2022 9:35 am
No one can hurt you!
Shattered illusion, destroying my delusion.
Bringing my barriers down and cleanses my soul.
It teaches me love and to rise above
And finally surrender control 💫
Tuesday 12th July 2022 1:58 am
Killing the Ego
I ate my words and swallowed my pride. Things have digested and I'm not hungry anymore.
Tuesday 12th July 2022 1:50 am
Quick Affairs
You read so well on the screen,
And sound amazing to the ears.
But when it comes to putting in motion, the non existence ignites my fears.
Do I ask for too much?
Do I accept too little?
Am I self sabotaging and should grant you an acquittal?
I thought we were going somewhere,
But was it downhill?
What started as fun,
Is now a clash of Virgo & Aries Will
Friday 8th July 2022 11:37 am
Chemistry with a Microwave
I turn you on, you turn me on
We both are hot and steamy
I watch you seduce me and bubble over
I test you for perfection with timing
You spin around and around
If I stop you, it’s then you change direction
Ring my bell, show me you are ready
But when you are, you’re too hot to handle
Wednesday 6th July 2022 1:35 pm
At a Bar
I love seeing older ladies hoe-ing into a burger!
I see friends chatting away, making their bond go even further.
Romantics showing their love with each caress
Now she's dipping the sauce all over her bun
Calories they couldn't care less
I cry at the love, I cry at the romance
I cry because I don't have it and never gave it a chance
Sipping on my hot toddy
I flirt with ...
Tuesday 5th July 2022 4:29 am
On a plane
I'm above the clouds moving away from the pain
Any second longer, I would have gone insane
Though I'm physically gone, my heart is still there
Wrapped up in your heart, but you no longer care
I don't know why I was always afraid
Was it protection from an old scabby issue
Should have been ripped off quick like a bandaid?
Now instead of the scar to heal it has gotten deeper
Monday 4th July 2022 8:17 am
The Storm
The storm is fierce
Thunder it’s bark
Lightning it’s bite
And the distant rumbling borderlines a threat of attack, instilling inferiority
But while I am at home
With the lights dimmed and food on the stove
Music lightly in the background
I feel protected and safe
But deep down I’m waiting to expose my vulnerability and surrender.
A storm is a bit like love
Sunday 3rd July 2022 8:28 am
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