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It's Not a Story / No es un Cuento

Everyone loves a story, 
whether it's made up or true,
the Pharisee commander, with his tongue,
was a master of this art

People looked forward to hearing him
when he went out to preach,
he would recite litanies for hours incessantly;
everyone applauded him endlessly

Stories well told by the Pharisee commander,
so elaborate that they were taken as the truth,
and bewitched people gave ...

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This Is Today

It is not a fable or a fairy tale,

even a child could understand my plea

that is why I speak loudly and vehemently


I am outraged to see

how those who wield power,

supported by uniforms and boots

see us as nincompoops,

weaving narratives of a distorted history

as if nothing had been there


Their very accommodated stories

build paper monuments to their heroes o...

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Thoughts in Times of a Pandemic

Here I find myself thinking about what I have always said: human beings are fragile and things can and will change in a blink of an eye.

As if things were not complicated enough in our beaten-up world; the terrible and endless civil war in Syria, the provocative bravado of North Korea, the continuous fights and rants of Trump with allies and adversaries, Putin's permanent interference in everyt...

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