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liberty (Remove filter)


A nation flooded with laws is condemned by power, which adapts and manipulates them to its convenience and fancy

A nation overburdened with laws is condemned by the rulers who use them to control and punish those who do not conform and do not accept to kneel

When the fate of the people is placed in the hands of a few, the lives of millions hang in the balance, and the glow of nihilism and fe...

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My feelings scream wildly,

caused by the turbulent scars that lacerate me


Once again guns… beheaded days succumb the people

into a nocturnal shade of impotence;

piling up the path of violence,

distress, conflict, grief


Liberty screams mutilated… for…

for the men that do not want peace,

for the unconsciousness of those that kill ruthlessly,

for the wickedness of...

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