The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

I am Thee and She is Me

What is the universe

 If we are not here to behold it

 To understand it

With all – the compacity

Of all- humanity


What am I without the world

The life that I can bring from its beauty

Would I not just be another girl

The life that fades with her beauty


My mind being

With my eyes seeing

Fueled by the galaxies

Destiny- projecting through its physicality


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My Mind Is My Own

My mind is my own

But it’s thought are foreign

Their nature is a conquest of deception

Forcing perception to be an abstract idea and a tangled question

Sanity is now an opinion within itself

 [no one in their right mind can understand it, and no one out of it can claim it.]

Truth no longer means

And anything is just a dream

Absence is more concrete

For it clears my mind ...

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In the darkness it was a shadow

Highlighted by the edges of the rising sun

Where in-between it began to gleam

As the son stuck its fingers through the seams

With her eyes on

The horizon


The dusk of the night


The don of the day

And with its light

It ended twilight


Oh Maddened Mind Of Mine

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You asked me to change my mind about asking you to change.

We ran around in circles blind while everything’s the same

We victimized each other, the other always to blame

Over and over again

This love is poisinin

we will never change

We will always be the same


You took my love for granted as I begged for you to want me

We were not ourselves so it was hard for us to...

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Halls of my Mind

I’ve been walking up and down the halls of my mind

Studying the library of our conversations

Searching through the labyrinth of your actions

[Trying to find the course of their meaning]

You left my maddened mind without answers

Knowing its potential to psycho analyze and deconstruct every moment

To find some comfort in a resolution


A scientist studying the natural disaste...

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