The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Warm Bones

When the tick is tocking

and time calls louder

and I have to choose

this path

that desire

so I ask myself

'what is it that I truly want

from this life?'

I have wanted for so much, and yet so little...

Knowing, I invoke gratitude

for kind hearts

strong hands

cool heads

my own saints and saviours

in the pit stops of my travels.

I yearn for warm bones -


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I don’t want us hiding

in coded conversations

where the “ … “ of a heart’s yearnings


remain unspoken, but lingering

like frankincense

anointing a room


A multiverse of musings

swirling in my mind

A crowded bazaar


I feel myself sliding

Into this place where I becomes not I

and dig my heels in, to…


We glance... and pause,

breathing, around ea...

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Actually, I do have words... (for T.)

You don’t want to be rescued.


I want to rip out the pain

the damaged flesh

of bloody violation,

and smear the face of he who cut you

in the mess he makes.


So that he suffocates.


I want to hold you

together -

not that you need me to,

or would want me to -

but to give you safe haven.


So that you can breathe.


I want you to know agency


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A walk from Anydri to Paleochora

The December wind blows
over the Libyan Sea.
Hellenic blue water
crashes into boulder.
White water soaks
the walkway. Cats run.
In the hills, sunshine,
mountain herbs, fragrant,
mix with the incense
from the chapel.
The bells of goats
hidden in the rocks and trees.
A kid cries for its mother.
Late autumnal layer
still heavy in the olive groves.
The afternoon sun
teases out the unct...

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