The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

It's a dirty job...

Out of the van and onto the farm,

A professional person exuding calm.

In a shirt and tie, with trousers pressed,

The neat appearance by my boss stressed.


Around the corner comes the herdsman,

Asking for details of a pregnancy scan,

At half past 7 he’ll have to wait,

For office hours to fix a date.


The female party, her name I’ve been told,

Is ‘Buttercup’, a Jer...

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21st Century Folly

On June 23rd the people chose

They chose to leave the club

They chose to stand alone

And they chose to snub.


They snubbed the whole of Europe

They took their toys and turned

They turned away from commonsense

And forget all that they’d learned.


They turned inward and gazed

Stared hard at their navels

Their children’s futures narrowed

As the parents turned ...

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What falls...

I wandered lonely as a cloud,
Grey rather than white,
A seagull flew right through me,
And gave me such a fright.

His bill had punctured me,
And I began to rain,
I bled and bled my cargo,
But still I felt no pain.

The seagull flew right on,
And dropped his cargo too,
A chip eating seaside goer,
All splattered with poo!

So while I wander like a cloud,
And sometimes I feel grey,

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