The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

Many Penny Go, Go, Go Days

Yikes. Life is busy and hectic and I am not complaining.

I've done loads, simply great expanding handbags of stuff since I was able to poke my head and fingers in here. Of course I've returned in part to show off. Oh be kind to me!

Tomorrow I am on Radio Four's 'Four Thought' at 8.45pm, and thence forever they tell me, on the iplayer. How scary. I get to ramble on about human identity f...

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radioNew YorkburlesquepoemsvenuesEdinburgh Fringe


Fire in my head

Burns in my heart

Rams in my gut

Soothes in my flesh

A sword to stroke

Love thrusts on it

Up and deep

It’s more than this

Riding on you

Giddy up down

And you in me

The thread is my blood

A psychic bind

A fetish chain  

Which ties us

Always to you

And each other.


You resist

A bit.

But never for long...

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fire flesh love passion obsession

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