The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Covid 19

We were free as birds until today
Now we’re in lockdown and there will be hell to pay
This country we live in has changed overnight
Our freedoms have gone and who among us put up a fight
We were told to stay at home to save the NHS
Whilst Dominic visits his Mum in Durham no less!
Its clearly one rule for us and another for them
You can travel where you like if you have a mate in No.10

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dominic cummings


There's testosterone in the air tonight
My teenage son is spoiling for a fight
He relentlessly practices with his fists
Goading me and poking me, he never quits
In socks or trainers he measures up
The endless tale of the old dog and the young pup
With youth and vigour, optimism and cheek
He probes my guard telling me I'm fat and weak
And when we struggle and grip
When my back aches and my...

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Can you take your stiletto from me dear?
You'll find it in my back
I've had lots of practice reaching for it
But I can't quite get the knack
While you're at it there's your axe dear
It's buried in my head
I've groped and fumbled to reach it
But all I can see is red
(Oh dear I think I might be dead!)

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The beast

I have a beast within my head
He hews my heart I wish him dead
He turns my passions into pain
A mocking echo of loves refrain
He defiles my tender dreams
Turning whispers into screams
I fear to enter filled with dread
I have a beast within my head

I have a cold and lonely heart
T’was warm once till he did start
My passion leaked through every pore
Through rents inflicted by his wick...

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self doubtdepressionself-knowledge


It’s easy to give in to being depressed
To savour life’s taste and yet feel second best
To challenge yourself to win the prize
Only to find that it’s empty, worthless and composed of lies.
What’s the use of trying hard?
When others don’t and can still reach behind your guard
To juggle the balls and keep them in place
To use every bit of effort and find you weren’t even entered in the race.

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depressiondisillusionmentself doubt


I’m not speaking to you today
But I get the feeling you’ve not noticed
I didn’t touch you in bed last night
But you went to sleep just the same
And this morning there’s no change
You look at me and don’t realise
That I’m not speaking to you today
Why can’t you remember why?

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