Bursting The Internet Bubble...
As the Millenium ticked over the Dot-Coms were growing fat like leeches on a backpackers legs. Everyone was talking about them bursting and indeed there were a few signs to show that something was going to happen. I was studying for a degree in The Netherlands and one of my elective courses was in poetry. One of our assignments was to take an existing song and write new lyrics for it... This was m...
Friday 16th June 2017 10:04 am
The Digital Frontier - Bullshit Two Point Zero
We get our news in headlines and trending quotes
Despotic Tyrants hack computers to sway our votes
Egomaniacs trump their worth from their ivory towers
Politicians line their pockets with money that is ours
Whilst the fat cat bankers and the Global Corporation
Ruin our economies and sell our personal information
It seems the Arab Spring has sprung and broken
And Twits and...
Saturday 27th May 2017 8:35 am
First Bytes in Computing
I bunked off school at age twelve to watch a crane install a computer through the roof of a local hauliers. Ever since then I have had an unending attraction to all things technological.
Later in Computer Studies we still learnt about punchcards but 1977 was a year of change so punch cards and ticker tape were on the way out. The first microprocessor computer I actually touched was nothing more...
Thursday 25th May 2017 4:49 pm
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