The dogs are taking me for walkies
they've dragged me out in the dead of night
It's 2am, my hair is a mess
To the graveyard I could give a fright!
There's these two hairy brutes on the end of the collars
who just need a dump and a wee
''Pleae slow down as you drag me along''
I wimper with my voice in a plea
They sometimes forget I'm on the end of their leads
Thursday 9th January 2020 3:28 pm
The Black Witches of Taberoux!
Tis in the year sixteen hundred and twelve
and the old hags of Taberoux
are sat around in their hovels
making familiars and potions grow
Old Bessie has just turned seventy-three
and has one arm and one eye
''She's in league with the devil himself, she is''
we hear the village folk cry
Young Margaret is but a child of ten
and already learning the skills
to ...
Thursday 2nd January 2020 4:40 pm
Hanging Around A Book Shop!
Oh I do love hanging around Waterstones
I could spend all day in their stores
They've got books on every subject imaginable
spread over multiple floors
I've got one from there about horror films
and another on King Tutankhamun
Waterstones are jam packed with all kinds of goodies
piled high wall-to-wall in every room
We go wandering excitedly into the store
and ...
Thursday 2nd January 2020 4:23 pm
Give Me Back My Half of The Duvet!
''Listen 'ere mush'' I growled to Mark
as he grabbed all the duvet for himself
''I demand my fair share of it
or you'll be sleeping by yourself!''
''But I'm COLD'' he moaned miserably
tucking the duvet under his chin
''I've got it wrapped around meself
and tucked me little tootsies in!''
''That's OK with me'' I replied
''but I'm laying here totally bare!
Thursday 2nd January 2020 3:47 pm
It puzzles me how anyone can touch those
Fake and false eyelashes I'm talking about
above the eyes, by the nose
They look so much like those creepy centipedes
and when I see those fake things my blood pressure exeeds
the normal limit it should be
My eyes popped with fright when I did see
a big hairy one flopped out on the floor
I really don't want to encounter any more!
Thursday 2nd January 2020 3:33 pm
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