The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Mini gun

For me there could only be one

The beautiful Dillon mini-gun

Can shoot 6000 rounds per minute

Damage really has no limit


Six beautiful long barrels

Turning anything into particles

Shear violence is the purpose

Say goodbye to the calmness


Mechanical sound is glorious

Spinning more just for badness

There is nothing that is indestructible

So big and yet beau...

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Tomorrow is a scary place

This life can peel away the layers of how I feel
Battling me down wanting my courage to steal
Sometimes I go into my dark place
For my dreams and fantasies I cannot face
Will not let fears of failure take my happiness away
I will have the strength to see the end of this day
What can be done about tomorrow
Maybe your dreams I will borrow
Look into a life that’s not mine
Is your life all ha...

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You are my desire

Touching your skin feels so intense

Leaves my breath hanging in suspense

Eyes sparkling with a fiery delight

Within me the love does ignite


Thinking about us each and every day

Jenny is so beautiful in every way

Truly she is a wonderful lady

This I know and I don’t mean maybe


With those beautiful lips of desire

My heart races like wildfire

Attraction burning...

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Live your tomorrow

In the days of chaos when life is a tornado

Looking for some calm and a direction to go

Stand your ground and hold on to what is real

The storm will pass no matter how you feel


Bright skies and sunny days are ahead

Live your life large and get out of bed

Smiling wider that the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge

Go and take your energy drink from the fridge


Be brave and show the...

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Beauty is not seen

The mirror does not hold your reflection

Commanding instead the need for subjection

Vanity is the rule by which we live

Ruthless without the need to forgive


How long do you take looking for perfection

Beauty is real and also a distraction

Preparing ourselves for the talk of the eyes

Some words are true and others are lies


What point do we stop hiding that which we...

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My parents

From one end of this life to the other

I will always need my Father and Mother

The roads I have gone and things I have seen

Without them who knows where I would have been

Available to solve anything I don’t understand

Always here to give me a helping hand


For all my years I have always needed them

Giving all their support from AM to PM

Reading awesome bedtime stories t...

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From where we are

Sometimes in this world we need to be broken

It is only then a new life can be woken

Stripping away all that is damaged and lost

Forgetting the past and what it has cost


Listen to the unspoken words of your soul

Rise from the ashes and aim for your goal

Believing in yourself is a good place to start

Is it time to rip the questions apart?


It is not always the stron...

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I am what I am

I am the change that I want to see

I am the answer to what I think should be

I am the result before the question

I am the future put in motion


Take time to see what is real

Take time to know how you feel

Take time to rebuild broken dreams

Take time no matter how bad it seems


I am today as one person

I am always looking with a new vision

I am my own direction


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My little friend

I was drinking coffee and sitting on my chair

The dog opened his eyes and began to stare

Looking at me he says I am ready for a walk

Without moving his mouth I heard him talk


It is a nice day to run on the grass

Best get going before the sun is going to pass

He is jumping in circles by the door

I can see a pattern being pound into the floor


Charging out like he is...

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The one that got away

Thinking about her everyday

If she knew what would she say

Beautiful memories will remain

A past that is without stain


Remember the times we had together

They will always be my secret treasure

Under the darkness of daylight

You and I always felt right


The excitement I lived was real

Don’t know if my heart can heal

I know that time moves on

From yesterday ...

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love without laws

In love there is no law

Just the dreams that you saw

An open mind can be the key

Think wisely and you will see


You cannot run from tomorrow

Happiness is all you need to know

One future to live for another time

Maybe with fewer mountains to climb


The worries of the caring heart

Love that cannot be measured by a chart

Feelings of the unknown trust

Genuine f...

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From the past to the present

Cold as ice or as hot as fire

Words to hurt or to inspire

Loneliness fades into nothingness

Beauty that leaves us helpless


Seeing the possibilities

Planning the journeys

Believing life will not expire

As love does not retire


A solo can be beautifully strong

Duets are also a wonderful song

Choosing who you will be

Not a choice to take lightly


The r...

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Every sense

The thoughts I cannot forget

The wonder of when we met

The heart beats faster for every smile

I get excited by messages on my mobile


Dreams in my head like a hurricane

Whirling around all over my brain

Tearing right through the past

A bright future is the forecast


There will be a new life to live

With the one who is attractive

Live the journey with passion


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The chances that are made today

Are not the choices for another day

They are opportunities for us to explore

Find the one you cannot ignore


The awakening of another day

Brings words we want to say

The faces we want to see

New places we could be


I see choices of adventure and mystery

Chances to restart making a new story

Maybe that tomorrow is you and I


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choicenew chancesmaybe in future

My glasses

My glasses are part of me

They are simple and not flashy

I shall wear them with pride

They are fashionable and worldwide


Many colours and styles to choose

It is always nice to hear honest views

I don’t need them on when I am in bed

They come off as not glued to my head


I always feel lost without my glasses

Missing all those admiring glances

I like being able...

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Sense of destiny

The touching of skin can be intense

Left me hanging in suspense

Eyes sparkling with a fiery delight

Within me the desire does ignite


Thoughts of passion and romance

Skin tingling with the possible chance

Bodies together like scones and cream

Let it all lead to a living dream


With those magnetic lips of sapphire

Contact would feel like wildfire

Burning deep w...

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