The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

"If stressed "

Dance openly, if stressed 

Record yourself speaking nonsense, gibberish and pointless 


Take rest, relax, and unwind

Cry out loud, let emotions shine


Don't hesitate, let shouts resound

Don't overthink, let feelings abound


Make yourself weep, then sleep peacefully

Don't put yourself down, just be wild and free


Be your own clown, with heart aglow


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self loveemotions

"The Rain"

The sky is black not blue 

As winds blew,

Is there any clue 

Of rain to come 

As clouds are summed

It Sounds like ,

As someone playing drum

But actually it's thunder's hum


Suddenly, it's all dark 

Sky lighten up with an electric Spark 

Falling drops have slight mark 

And then begins a rainy stark

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"Why lose your being"

Colour fade, has a shade

Wetty eyes, glow your face 


From dark days, take a run

It's your turn, to yourself be concern


Accept your flaws, out of laws 

And that's how, you yourself draws 


Say goodbyes to all the cries

Just think wise, everything has something nice.

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self loveself acceptancebe yourself


Neither could it express, nor could my heart contain 

Now, if I dare to speak, how do I start ?

In the daylight, my heart goes insane 

Please tell me, how do I reveal the mystery of my heart .



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The moon's gaze

The moon's gaze fell upon me, a piercing stare

As if my home was set with a wine-soaked gathering to share

What harm if the heart gets drunk on wine's sweet fire?

Yet, you retreated, even from the line of heartless desire.




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Why not

Why should I hold myself back ?

Why should I talk less ?

Why not colour my life like a flower,

Why not  move on like moving water in the shower,

Why not I dye myself like scattered leaves, 

Why not I leave behind all my grieves.


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Tears that sting

What's happening to me, I don't know what to say

Tears that sting, fall from my eyes every day

My heart wants to do something, but does something else

I try to control it, but it slips away from my grasp


I'm searching for a way to calm my restless mind

But it's hard to find peace when my thoughts are intertwined


My eyes are dry, my heart is heavy

I'm trying to find m...

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paindestructive emotions

Let me take a deep breath

Sweaty hands, sweaty head 

Getting ears intensely red 

My heart is taking prolonged steps 

Let me take a deep breath

Or I'll have an anxiety attack 


Whenever I go to bed,

Overthinking makes me mad 

My eyes got still at,

My surrounding becomes sightless

Let me take a deep breath 

Or I'll have an anxiety attack.


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Hello Winters

Out of nowhere , Getting cold air  Is it winter's stare Yeah yeah winters here. ❄️

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"2020 the trailer of 2021"

2020 the trailer of 2021

For the people, they both were so troublesome 

Had so many deaths and made the people stressed 

Hospitals had the shortage of beds,

Thus made the people realise the value of nature's shed

All were so scared,

but  some irresponsible and negligence, making others tensed 

by roaming here and there 

When the oxygen is so rare,

All other countries tak...

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She has eyes like a forest pool, And held herself like a cool. She is a girl of her mind, of her thoughts  She will never be mine, never be yours Oh come on, don't tease her, Don't cease her, or She will make you feel uneasier.



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Talking to the moon

Talking to the moon, Sun get jealous soon.


Walking in the night  Stars sprinkle the light.


Rocking as the rockstar, All are dancing in the bar.


Smoking in the air, Get your mask wear.

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I know me

I know me much better than you , I know what I have to do .


Don't do any interfare , Don't take so much of care.


Make me free to fly , Make me not to lie.


Take me to the sky , Let me touch so high.





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That's how It is

Beauty lies in the sight 👀 Hate lies in the mind 🧠 Love lies in the heart 🫀 Which give rise to an art. ✨

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Whenever I see you

Everywhere everytime , I do stare, not a crime I think it is very fine , Which make me grin and evershine.

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He is not bad, as that worst He is not good, as I heard I don't know why, he is so shy  However, he is so perfect in my eye.👀

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Say it out

Think about it and then shout it Don't be shy, just say hi 💗 To the bias of your heart, of your mind To the reason of your laugh, of your shine .    

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Just Say it outlovehope

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