The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Misery loves Company

He reminds me of you 

yet again 

another person 

who i'll hurt 

trying to look for you 

I dont know why 

but I cant 

I cant stop myself 

you left me 

with this hole in my heart 

that begs to be filled 

so i'll hurt 

and he'll hurt too 

since misery loves company 

and I love you .


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I no longer beg for you like I used to 

Ive grown used to your distance 

I used to pray for you 

So much I felt God heard enough 

Now I pray for you but not for me 

I pray for your success 

Your hopes and dreams I beg 

I know you'll be tooken care of 

And im okay letting you go 

Ill always love you 

Hold you closely to my heart 

You deserve the world 

Yet the wo...

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Maybe Im one of those people who can never love and maybe thats okay.

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I'm sorry

Im sorry I cant let you go 

Im sorry I cant leave you alone 

Im sorry I cant stop texting you 

Im sorry I cant see a life without you 

Im sorry I wasnt enough 

Im sorry I gave you everything I had

Im sorry I believed we could last 

Im sorry I still cry for you 

Im sorry I dont think ill forget you 

Im sorry so very sorry 

Im sorry I love you 

im sorry...

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It's a shame truly 

That you look at me like that 

Like I hold every answer 

Like im your every want 

Your every desire 

I wish I could look at you the same 

But when I try all I see is him 

The way his eyes light up almost the same 

Oh how beatiful they were 

How beautiful he was 

And how painful it was to lose him 

Ill look at you but with eyes of remembrance 


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Our story

I look for you 

You know with teary eyes 

And muffled cries 

Only wishing 

We could have had more time 

But now youre gone 

Not completely 

But from me you are 

I think maybe I put too much 

Too much of myself 

In your hands 

But it was worth it 

The pain the happiness

It was all worth it 

The feelings I wish 

I could feel again 

Without you 

I fe...

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My curse?

Watching the one I love 

Love another 

But in despair 

They come to me 

And I let them 


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I remain silent 

Even when my heart begs to speak 

I chose to hide 

Even though I want so badly to be seen 

I refuse love 

Even if its all I ever asked for 

I chase perfection 

Even if I claim perfection doesnt exist 

I give my heart 

Even though I know ill forever be broken by it 

I remember 

Even when I want the memories to fade 

I admit 

Even though not wi...

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You were a song I so 

desperatly wanted to sing, 

A home I so very desperatly needed 

A voice that I wanted to hear forever ,

You were my every desire 

and one that would never be fulfilled


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I never hated you no 

I couldn't I wouldn't

I was just angry 

Angry at the idea that 

I could lose you I didnt realize 

that in that moment I already did 

but if you were to ask me 

No I could never hate someone 

that showed me love could be true .


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I miss his voice

that beautiful melody that rippled

through my soul 



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