The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Rib Cage

Sugar mouth

Sweetness spread from ear to ear

Setting off the hummingbird

singing in its rib cage

Or that dirt eating feeling

when you're not here

 Comfort is curling arms around your neck 

creating a lovers tie

Nobody ever made me feel beautiful

til I caught my reflection in your eye

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I once knew a little girl

Or maybe she was a young woman

With a pornographic smile

And a diamond in the corner of her eye


She used to tell me stories

Of late nights and sad parties

And the men that she kept

Always had another secret at home


She flirted with danger

Wasn’t paid in cash or kindness

The pavement welcomed her presence

With a sympathetic sigh


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Queen of Sorrow

She twists and turns in the night

Searching for another blade

Seeking out a new way to dance

A cigarette to pass the time


Acid tongues spit twisted words

Nothing left to do but hurt

Wishing she could find the word

To make it go away


Morning comes, remorseful gait

Sugared suns peppered with hate

Black holes in the night to make

A pile of fractured memories


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Every day I wake up

Shake off the cobwebs

Stretch up skywards

Lay back down


Every day I make up

New reasons to have one

Two or three and then some

Never question why


Every days a struggle

Energy eludes me

You can see right through me

But the thing is I don’t care


Every day I look in

The mirror for my manners

My sallow skin remembers


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