The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Secret of the Sunflowers

The Secret of the Sunflowers

is one that my mother knows.

How their gaze forever follows the sun,

the more that they grow

and glorious they become!

The late afternoon shadows lay forgotten behind,

they remind me of where our mother taught us

to always turn our minds.




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Behind the Silent Wall

Day by day you built the dam that kept my tears at bay. Behind that silent wall my waters raged and swelled against where I did not wish to dwell. I may take the shape of what you truly desire to see, but you are mistaken for within that shape I have no form. I have always flowed free! You cannot shape that which has none, begone wall, begone! 

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'Seven Times'

‘Seven times’ ~ A poem for my younger siblings 

I have fallen in love seven times.

Seven pairs of eyes that blinked open

and looked back into mine.

My heart expanded into spaces

I did not know I had,

as your entire hand curled

around my single finger pad.

I no longer had but one shadow,

I smiled down to see now two.

Over the years,

your bodies changed and grew,


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