A Victim’s card
Nothing is parallel or can be paralleled
Even when it is compounded, and expounded inside
It rages loud but gently in rib cages,
Behind hushing skinny fingers
Its beauty is too great, its beauty belongs to us
The formers, the creators of this place
We are the damned, we were the great
Oh the facade, it is all a facade they mimic the art
But can you take the cut, bleed ...
Wednesday 1st August 2018 3:14 pm
The Architect
Tight jaw, grinding thoughts of plans
Pulsating, he maps today as overlays of yesterday
And so stubbornly, he assumes his positionality
As if written by an attentive God, he occupies all the space on the table, selfishly
Rolled out, he once again opens the paper, rearranges the dots, scans the memory
He figures the plot and he shifts the lines further, draws in his thoughts
Caged in, the b...
Monday 30th July 2018 7:19 pm
A seasonal romance- Part 3
What is a truthful lie?
I left the caterpillar inside the woven home
Nobody knows that the silk is a soft and enticing little tomb.
We rest in the hope that through death we rise anew
But there is no life. A self-destruction of creation,
A long wait for a non-existent perfection.
As for me, I was not born to fly and to die all the same
Our metamorphosis was completed when we were c...
Tuesday 24th July 2018 11:44 am
A seasonal romance- Part 2
What is a truthful lie?
Below the jagged edges of a narrow cliff face,
My feet lifted, touched the air and left the ledge
I decided in a rush
To let go of myself in the sweet escape of night
I jumped with no wings or fear
The awaiting solicit solid icy glare,
But the dive was much alive
Head first, the locomotive force thirst
Pulling fast towards the surface that mirrors the gods
Tuesday 24th July 2018 11:39 am
A seasonal romance
The air is spiced and on a bed of poppy’s I slept with delight
Elated, I lay careless sprawled in complete disguise
I am a kind of flower, unafraid and unabashed,
Delicious, claiming belonging, I had entered a state of sweet oblivion
Submitting in a trance, the history was recalled
How from the edge of a cliff, my feet touched the open air
I fell, feet first, faith without a care
Tuesday 24th July 2018 11:30 am
Nectar- the offering (part 2)
My temple lies in the middle of a concreate garden of Asters,
Between the Blazing Stars, Butterfly Milkweeds and Lantana’s
The word was out when their fruits grew out.
An empty space, they gathered in rumours around the last place
I was seen
What I could have been
They reminiscence
“I hope the birds find the butterfly and peck on its paper wings”
“I hope they kill the beau...
Friday 8th June 2018 3:56 pm
Nectar- The offering
My temple lies in the middle of a garden of Asters,
Between the Blazing Stars, Butterfly Milkweed and Lantana’s
I can bear seed and make it fruit, and with an aroma that is sweet,
You can find me in a sea of the sprouting beauties,
But I am simple, I follow the sun in mid-February,
Draw yourself closer from my sweet pungency
Delve in me, its mid-February
Find me, I need this u...
Friday 8th June 2018 3:52 pm
Celestial goddess
She fell through the ninth cloud and landed on her feet
She fell in love with the sky and lived to tell the tale.
A beautiful naked figure, dancing around the flame.
Watch her.
And the flicker has turned into fire, the little spark into a flame. Who knew?
It was all just a game, and she filled the entire universe with her laughter
The gods have been walking beside her,
The god...
Friday 1st June 2018 11:15 am
Crystal mind
Slow walk, soft conversations, persuasive in gesture, my guilty pleasure
Your eyes are damning, my heart is floating and my neck pulsating
A vicious beating, what is black and what is white
And yet here I am, skinny and floating in the grey,
The catch was sudden, my vision was blurry
You found me starving, the restless yearning
You had my mind fuzzy, you made it very c...
Wednesday 19th July 2017 8:35 pm
I love you the Sky
She said The sea must be a lady
“The sea is me”, she meant
I took her words to be a fact, a factor in own my identity
I am sure that I am the shore
And at day break, I was still pure
Caramel, sandy and tan before I am kissed
Kissed wildly by the sun that melanises
Ebony to green, the sun that photosynthesises
And from your violent waves, My kinky hair a frizz
Awaken to ...
Wednesday 19th October 2016 3:20 pm
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