The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Will I?

If only I could dive 
into the deepness of your eyes 
I would stop wondering 
What you really hide 

If only I could read your thoughts 
Will I finally discover
the mystery your smile unfolds?
And, will I get closer to become 
Everything you need and more?

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Wept of Ectasis

Of how deep is my wept!

That my whole body kept

Combined the constant fatigue and tense

Remeerged my lack of sense

Unleashed by your absence

Along the ectasis and the high

Of a long Saturday night

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When the past pass by

And your smile becomes shy

And you wonder why

Your soul aches

And your whole body shakes

And you keep holding thight

To the hidden memories of that July

Just be still on your hope

Remember how much you try

And how much pain you carry´

Cause it's all written in the sky

And when the past pass by

You will turn around

And you'll finally feel...

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Emily Dickinson 10/12/1830 ❤️

I wouldn’t be writing poems without her inspiration

More than 1800 poems hidden before arriving to our destination

The world owes you honor and respect of your priceless poetry fascination

I will forever keep your deep love for nature contemplation

As my poetry dedication ✨


Emily Dickinson (1830–86).  Complete Poems.  1924.

Part Two: Nature  ...

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You are infinite light

Do you know that the biggest star that belongs to the night dares every day to keep you warm?

And we love the sun’s warm, but what would the sky look like without the moon’s bright?

Don’t you know that you must need to go dark before you can truly shine?

Otherwise, how would we be able to see the best stars if it wouldn’t be for the nightfall?

Don’t you realize?

You are the biggest ...

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They say

Nobody around here understands
Should I travel again to new lands?
They say they care,
But how can they? 
If they don’t know what is to feel this rare 
Is it my fault to feel such despair?
When all I do is try to bear
They say traveling cures the soul
But left mine completely lost 
Now I am supposed to feel like home
When home is elsewhere but unknown 
I have not lost for hope, for I kn...

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“I shut my eyes and the world drops dead;

I lift my lids and all is born again” 

Sylvia Plath 











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Very little did I know

Little did I know, that in my deepest grieve

I’ll find His profound peace and feel of relieve

Little did I know, that in my darkest thoughts

I’ll find His brightest light reflecting from the cross 

Little did I know, that in my sudden loss 

I still could trust that I’ll see Him across 

Very little did I know,

While I was drowning in the ocean of fear

That He'd carry me to a...

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In honor of -World Mental Health Day-

My dear friend, who feel misunderstood, weary and lost

You certainly got a friend on me if you’re seeking for support

I know you feel deeply in your soul

We are amazing vulnerable beings,

If your mind can’t make sense of this world

You can always take a stroll

To a place you feel secure and calm

Play your favorite song and feel the rhythm 

Close your eyes and breathe profou...

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The Sunset- it's the keeper for every secret-

It’s my dear; the best companion

How you seen such a color expansion?

You know, we share some secrets

Ask the ocean, he has been a witness

He says, that nobody can reach his deepness

Nerveless, the Sun shows compassion

For it recognize his uniqueness


Do you see it my darling?

 All the way from the Horizon

Upon the waters,

The gentleness reflection

Of a non-end...

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Beginnings are endings

Endings are beginnings

Forgiveness is healing

Healing is forgiveness

Grace is loving in pain

Pain is to love with grace

Love is to sacrifice 

Sacrifice is giving for love

Faith is to grow

Grow is to let go

Let go is to start

Start is to end.


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Wandering words

The birds flying free

Can my words be still?

In the prison of my mouth

In the wideness of my mind

Up in the sky

They all wander around

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