The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Still Here

Still Here

An ex engineer

With the bushy mustache and thick glasses

 To accompany your position

A profession that saved your life— time and time again

And gave your drive and your vision 


A narrative of ‘I’m not lonely’

But you’ll talk my ear off every session

Keen to learn about therapy techniques

Simply because of the structure and the framework in the lesson



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All Roads Lead to You

All Roads Lead to You


People told me it was possible

They said 'you'll know when it feels right'

They didn’t tell me there would be a struggle in finding it

Paved by constant disappointment  and spite


Drowning in a sea of confusion

Smashed by perilous waves of doubt

I realised I would first have to love myself 

To be able to survive and get out


And then I ...

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My Ticket Out

My Ticket Out

Friendships once delicious

Now turned stale

Intimacy— which was invigorating

Now holding the same energy and delivery

Of a sickly snail


Interests— previously exciting

That are no longer fun

A place that felt like home

Has become a web 

Thats overspun


When before

You would have fought to stay

Now you have the compulsion

To escape and...

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It seems as though

We will always desire

Things we aren’t meant to touch

Because they’re so damn hot

That they burn like fire


Would we still want to go there?

If it was not dangerous or forbidden?

These feelings are often so intense

Because they have to be locked away or hidden


If we decide to cross the line

Like the moth to a flame

Relief then d...

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The Self-Fulfilled Prophecy

The Self — Fulfilled Prophecy

Baby— I know they hurt you bad

It makes me mad

 That one person's actions

Could leave you feeling— so small and sad


My darling— it’s not just my view 

How you were treated— was not your fault

Please belief this

It’s true


But you can’t shake it

You think the way they behaved

Was because of you

You were made to question ever...

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These Jeans Do Well

These Jeans Do Well

My grandmother's expression

Shown through her hands

My father's habit

Of fitting in too many plans


My sister’s sass

My brother’s mystery

Scars and strength

Filtered down

From a refugee history


My mother's eyes

And ability to connect

My cousins' approach

To love and live without regret


Our pagan leaves

And celtic vines


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Just Show Up

Just Show Up

Job promotions

Given to people either great or corrupt

Major sporting medals

All achieved

Just because they showed up


They weren't the best

Or the worst

But they put their hat in the ring

And that placed them first


Whether it be love, ambivalence or disgust

Or whatever the fate

Even while feeling inadequate— or arriving a few minutes late


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The Lovelies of The World

The Lovelies of The World


 Warm chai tea— paperback books

A vanilla scented—candle lit flame

Provides an antidote and comfort

 For cupids lousy aim


Tree stumps— growing new sprouts

Hoodies—warm wooly socks

Funny questions from children

Trying to figure it all out


Bubble baths—decadent ice cream

A good cry —A lingering cuddle

The safe places

That a...

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The Back Up Choice

The Back Up Choice

Meaningful conversations continuing for days

Routine—dates—and times

Dissolving in to a haze


Cocktail bars

Fireworks—Metaphorical and real

Wonderous connection

Hard to conceal


A  commitment made to a friend—the potential lover

Living so far away

While holding the hand— of another

And asking them to stay


I guess we all want to ha...

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