The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


Feel the joy, in this race,
adore the clouds
smell the flowers,
Forget the finish line
It's a start
to a brand new race!

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Race enjoy joy

My castle by the sea

I built this bold castle,
friendly nudging the sea
A wonderful place it straddles
shadowed by the trees!
It stands strangely tall
A shelter for the lost
Before it's stoned walls
stands a bridge never crossed!

This castle I built
by the rocks and stones
which were there on the roads
I walked
I saved them all,
the ones thrown at me
and built a castle
with stoned walls

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Castle hope strong stones

Clambered the sky

Thus she clambered the sky,
to get the ideal view
aiming for the stars....
and captured the moon instead!

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Moon stars strong hope

Balloon of hope

Hope was like that
Helium balloon
Full of dreams and belief
which slipped out of my hand
I tried to grab the string
I tried to catch
But was unable to cling!
It had flown away
Soon I heard the balloon whisper
"Oh dear! Life is like me!
If you won't let me go!
How far you'll rise,
You'll never know!'

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Hope lesson life

Train station

And I waited hours on that station,

for the train

Which didn't even start it's journey!

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On the old oak tree
Sits a mother with her child
Giving her some lessons
carried from generations!
Her voice so hoarse and quiet
like the black night sky,
"Listen well dear!"
The mother sighed
"Silence is the wisest thing,
Its with you when no one else is,
silence itself is an answer,
to all those fools, who roam around!
Keep quiet, and you'll see,
the light in miracles!
The less you...

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OwlWisdomobservelife lessons

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