One last day of cray
Listen to the air
Hear her in the wind
Balance on the sea
Feel her in a wave
Absorbe the light
See her in the Sky
Boil the noodles
Taste her in the broth
Read a book
Behold the experience that was
Go to sleep
Dream for yourself
Take a breath
And follow through
Monday 12th July 2021 8:09 am
What happens next
Last breath
Remain in space
Traverse to shapes
What carries on
Last beats
Trapse away
Shattered peeps
Friday 11th September 2020 10:11 am
Fear of you
To tell them their thoughts
To turn it in to glue
To know you understand
Its sad you see it's you
To turn things on end
To guide a nose to shit
To know his way
It's sad you think that's it
Look to self
See your greed
Don't be fooled
Youre the soul in need
Saturday 22nd August 2020 11:58 am
No fuel
Here to see something more
I is bleak I used to care
for me I don't know why
teeth rotting lost a war
gone forever too
csnt see you for the I
start again a dream
a thought of me
a man just
Sunday 22nd March 2020 12:46 pm
Will Ponder
The will ponder
to cross that line
the will prowess
to force a feeling
The will patience
to not end it all
the will pain
To not feel the heat
the will pride
to see your inside
Friday 24th January 2020 10:04 am
Little Hearts
Tears for you
Well in his eyes
Your reason clear
Things you hold dear
So small and sweet
Simple and honest
New minds are round
Their purpose profound
All of his fears
Held to his chest
In a tiny hand
You cant understand
Caring and cunning
He will alway protect
Even in vain
Mommy’s pain
Friday 9th August 2019 12:07 pm
He drags you in along to his worst
A friend you are but he’s your curse
He is I and you him we’re sown
Together we keep depression our own
I love you and I know you me
Mistakes each other see
Matter not to us brothers
Emotions faded away
The hormones still there
Can’t transmit today
Tuesday 11th June 2019 9:02 am
Reasons he had plenty
To not steal tomorrow
As the night faded
Inhaled in the morning
Was all but regret
He vowed to he’d be ready
But greed won again
The day after came
Still not tomorrow
Thursday 18th April 2019 10:13 am
Todays your day
Some extra joy
You will have fun
You’re my boy
Make a wish
For your dad
To give him hope
To not be sad
Know he cares
Feel his love
In drops of rain
From above
Sunday 7th April 2019 3:39 pm
Fight a man that has to defend
a wild opponent driven to no end
Just leave it be
save one tragedy
Valid reasons to keep the flow
Truth is the attack will grow
It’s hard to fight a damaged friend
they will get back up until the end
Their end cannot be yours to choose
The fight can only be yours to loose
Saturday 5th January 2019 5:51 pm
As will I
I’ve sunken to nothing it’s all on me
Selections I’ve made not on you i see
Yet truth be told with someone that lies
I’ve chosen to have revenge when you die
My boys will carry my burden to lift
It will drag them to the generational abyss
You will not regret leaving me alone
As there’s no feel that isn’t your own
Carry the weight of me on your shoulders
The rest of your ...
Monday 31st December 2018 3:57 pm
Curls like a poodle and chuckles of friend
made us what we are
Two humans unsure where life should end
True chats seemed so far
Marched along dreaming of a home
Common the desires of it to work
Harmed humiliated together alone
Community forgot or did we
Lose each other in self misery
Sunday 30th December 2018 8:12 am
They look at them and say its him
The man is off he holds the fault
The case he pleads carries with few
They listen to them he can’t win
They convey the man without a thought
The man need only truth from time
The wrongs of his are for grieving
They ignore the man left out to rot
A judge they say at the last breath
Will allow him to hold some value
Will cast doubt o...
Sunday 30th December 2018 7:58 am
Touch myself no one else
Cooked it black to throw it out
Taste my despair it’s in the air
Gazed around no friends about
See my pain there not to gain
An awful stench flowed throughout
Smell my fear it’s not here
Screamed my insight no doubt
Hear my cry before I die
Sunday 23rd December 2018 4:21 pm
The fading of days
Fall almost winter
Dark sets in
Light never wins
Sad is a feeling
A time and a place
Feelings are odd
Hard to displace
Thinking too much
Stuck in my bed
City lights glow
Joy to the season
And an all new low
Thursday 6th December 2018 9:09 am
Artists have character
always looked up to
Well maybe that was true
community held you high
But never saw your heart
never knew the scars
A mind that wouldn’t jar
when a man needs a friend
when someone’s left alone
the eyes that wouldn’t cry
that try not to understand
for better or worse Next to you
I have a heart of gold
A hook to hang a soul
Wednesday 5th December 2018 9:49 am
Rinse and Repeat
Today is the day
Will could show up
He’s always late
Crave change
Morning again
He never showed
Never even made it out
Can’t be dragged back in
Maybe tomorrow
Tuesday 4th December 2018 12:07 pm
Purely real is gone today
idea mirror past
A rag squeezed bone dry
Nothing more to imagine
Tales told once told 10 times
Thursday 29th November 2018 10:48 am
Turned upside down
flew away
Soulless eyes
Gobble beasts
Eat it up
Communal feasts
Gaze not to earth
Rise up today
Its okay
They won’t be filled
Your demise
Is not for dinner
Tuesday 27th November 2018 10:14 am
Far to far to see
is it real am I me
on a level of energy
We might not be so unique
Thoughts of things that have some weight
Will always be what drives our fate
what is life what is stuff
the length of waves
flow through us
other beings in parallel
Think the same
what the hell
Saturday 24th November 2018 1:16 pm
Join in
A history is mute it’s wierd that way
I’ll tell the story anyway
Its starts with blame of a reasonable kind
Ends with guilt he’s no man of mine
Details are useless
No valid excuses
What colour were his eyes
Friday 23rd November 2018 9:14 am
Why a thought to what else
zero will rise there will be none
never stop when half is won
the pot sits there
guarded by a walls
going in circles which spiral and fall
the man will win
it’s no contest
hope will haunt you it never rests
Friday 23rd November 2018 8:51 am
Good at drinkin
spending cash
once was good for a laugh
went too far
It was so much fun
But on to let down everyone
It’s all good I’m still drunk now
The banks can’t get it anyhow
8s and 9s
Dragons 7
pandas kill
No money still
Thursday 22nd November 2018 9:37 am
Great places for the best
Belize, Nepal Budapest
Travel here fly there
it makes you whole
They swears’
what about the rest of us
Washing dishes grinding rust
You recycle you have no waste
We don’t ruin the earth in haste
Dreams are better for us all
Thursday 22nd November 2018 9:20 am
All controlled
Theories trashed
No matter
Dinner with friends
Jobs and chatter
Who’s at the helm
Pulling strings
Need everything
Go vote it matters
Thursday 22nd November 2018 8:53 am
farewell began
nothing found
Centre mind
blood flowed
pain lived
body alive
realize maybe
am I crazy
Thursday 22nd November 2018 8:41 am
it’s time for bed
tonight wasn’t fun
it was demanded
until now it was lazy or
who cares they’re all true
lying there will be easy
getting up will be fun too
I need a kick
the world is right there
they say
yet the invisible force holds me down through the day
its called being soft
see the excuses are weak
karma will call my future is bleak
Tuesday 20th November 2018 12:01 pm
Reverse Gear
Can’t write a word about world views
Misunderstanding social cues
why is it all about me
i can’t live without
there is no forgive
no inspired thought
nothing that makes any sense
this generation is just that
a bunch of lost hope
no care and no desire
to lean on intelligence
to feel the brain
become more than it was
before waking today
im not one to judge ...
Tuesday 20th November 2018 10:12 am
In need
could use some help
I need money
i started a page
its called go fund me
just joking it’s not
I don’t have a page
I’m fishing for complements
would much prefer rage
sorry to bombard your blog
I’ve read a few poems of your logs
xoxoxoxo smiley face emoji
Tuesday 20th November 2018 9:46 am
Man oh man
You guys are my freaking buds okay.
i thought about leaving here today
to get out of bed it was just glee
After 15hrs I really had to pee
i hopped right back in
smelly pillows best friends
finally got up lurked around a bit
said hey to addiction, took a hit
Tuesday 20th November 2018 9:31 am
On me
I’m on this site
It’s wierd I get it
Some think it’s wrong
Do I care? I do
I care because my intent
Was not to offended
Life is complex
Not always about you
Now that seems odd
It’s of course about me
Give it a rest
I’ll buy you a shot
It’s irish whisky
Tuesday 20th November 2018 9:18 am
Not him
I’m not that guy
the one that composed
the best poem or song
didnt write it
to the logical route
was poor as can be
dad told me what I should be
i never believed him
i did it anyway
became successful
didnt make me happy
went for broke
didnt give a shit
lost self respect
follow that hope
dont win or lose
money won’t matter
it didn’t to me
Tuesday 20th November 2018 8:57 am
Sitting here
There no lust love hatred
none of that
just likes
comments are fishing
incentives skewed
living not with who lives next door
not even the loved one on the couch
we don’t know what’s up and what’s down
just the screen and the people behind it
that love what we meme
Tuesday 20th November 2018 8:39 am
I’m the worst
im the man
emotions held in the palm of my hand
shes so sweet and kind and nice
the lady
of course to know here she’s fake
she deals in grey, white clear and red
Black is not there
you can’t get in to that head
I void of thought of opinion for me
only friends not in the tree
two boys filled with hope
lost a dad
he couldn’t live
he could ove...
Tuesday 20th November 2018 8:26 am
Is it a choice
was it of grand. Can someone watch us perform.
It doesn’t make much difference
here would still be
stuck in some warped thing
we don’t know so we strive
we judge we compare
but I don’t I just fuck up and let everyone down
cant even write a poem
this is sad
We are all lost.
Some people just pretend better
Tuesday 20th November 2018 8:16 am
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