The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

Hate Her

I really and truly dislike her,

She's not pretty or smart.

Her stupid stanky breath is enough to kill

I really cant wait until we depart :)

I wouldnt mind if she jumped into a pool of poison

Its not like i'd miss her anyways.

Her hair is knotted, tangled and smelly.

I'd trade her for a toad any day.


My wish was for her to disapear,

And when it happened, I didnt shed...

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I guess I was the special one,

My end was quick and painless,

But now im gone you've claimed your done,

You made me feel so worthless.


I wondered why you stuck with me for so long,

Just to watch my eyes grow cold,

But whilst im gone you can sing your song,

You can pretend to act like your bold.


You cut all of us out like heavy duty removers,

I hope all the othe...

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Child's play

Paper, Rock and Scissors


Was I lonely piece of paper you tore up,

The paper scribbled with words of hurt and rage,

The paper you abandoned viciously like a breakup,

That paper that held years and years of age,


Or was it her you threw and pushed down,

The rock with holes revealing her past,

The rock you tossed into the water to drown,

That rock that was ment to for...

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