The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Damaged Goods

Can't be too damn good
Wakening in the hood
Pulverized by the dude
In dark brotherhood

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Philsophy; racism

Cry Foul

I cried when I saw the killing
And I couldn't stop the tearing
I weep for the loss of a being
And for such horrendous policing

I scream at the flagrant profiling
In the guise of bad cops bullying
I denounce the abuse of power
Needing more and more to holler

I see the anger in your face
Just because of color and race
I feel your pitiful rage
Worse than animal in a cage

I taste the...

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racism; police brutality

Cosmic Love

To share all that is love
And holy in above
To see only beauty
In negativity

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I can see beyond the sun
And beam back twice the light
I can hear the music
Of the whole universe
And sing to your deafness
I can smell 
Your worst fear
And let steer
What's most dear
I can always taste
Your enemy's blood

And spew back
Love and peace

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Bohemian Rhapsody

To live free
Not on dirty streets
Full of bigotry
Where you're spit upon
With worst of insults
Where the spoiled brat's vomit
Hits face and smarts weary eyes
Where the filthy rich's neatly groomed French poodle
Pisses and shits upon your humanity

To live free
Not in a shelter for the homeless
Where urine-perfumed air stings the nostrils
And freshly released vomit smells like stale ju...

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Beyond The Senses

To see through blindness
To hear through deafness
To smell through knowingness
To taste through tastelessness
To feel through emptiness

To experience the darkness in light
To live in only brightness of such darkness

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Be Guided

To see beyond the blinding truth
And be guided only by light
To hear the music of great composers
And be guided only by true genius
To taste the essence of forbidden fruit
And be guided once by angelic bliss
To smell the sweet taste of victory
And be guided by imagery
To feel stolen unconditional love
And now be guided by The Holy Spirit

I see within your own truth
And am blinded by y...

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And Yet So Very Hopeful

I sleep only to awaken
To all that is so beautiful
To all that is now thoughtful
And so thoroughly awful
And yet so very hopeful

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Alone...Not Alone birth death
Not the afterlife

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Almost M. J. Lemon

Oh rise MJ
So they can say
Bukowski's looking down from heaven
Giving the nod to pen of Lemon

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She cried until she died
The court stole her cry

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A Passionate Love Affair

We're only here
For fresh morning's air
And the gentle wind
Nightingale's song
And children's laughter

We're only here
To breathe in majestic beauty 
To feel caress of Zephyr
To hear Nature's lullaby
To know and love God's essence

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A Moment Of Your Time

Should I shed a tear
Even with this fear
Should I cry tonight
Lost in all this fright

Should I see your light
Taught me to be bright
Should I hear your sound
In today's lost and found

Should in tonight's darkest hour
Let my emotions to tower
Should I feel the love you gave
In moments when I misbehave

Should I touch the blanket of your soul
Comforting my life's rock and roll

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A Life's Worth

My right hand...
For all that I do
My left hand...
For what's left to do

Both my hands...
For the sands

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A Life's Wish

May you wake today
To see light of day
To hear nightingale
When you're feeling stale

May you rise
With sunrise
And seize the day
Without dismay

May you awaken
Feeling unshaken
And start a smile
For a long while

May you forever love
And feel being loved
May you follow your inner wisdom
And be guided to only success

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A Life's Purpose

What if...
To live a breath

And to die...
Without a sigh

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A Life's Existence

When I awaken
From drunken stupor
And see morning light
Whispering new sight

When in morning's slumber
I struggle in wander
No longer in thunder
And yet I still blunder

When in afternoon delight
My popsicle now melting
My sole fear surmounting
My love life now cradling

When in the grasp
Of the blue moon
The cocaine's high
Becomes a lie

When in the depths
Of profound sleep

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A Fading Memory

You are the River of Life
Flowing through my adventure
Breathing fresh life into this weary body
And I'm whining...longing for so much more

You are that searching inner eye
Crying to be heard by God who died
You're force-feeding the nearly stillborn
And reclaiming the birthright of downtrodden

You're the ears of a heartless deaf society
Hearing only the muteness of rhythm of life

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Closing Time (For Leonard Cohen)

Tonight as I lay
Myself to troubled sleep
I shall shed such tears
Not of profound sorrow
But of exalted joy
For the oneness of your poetry
For the wisdom of your words
Written and spoken from your heart

For your sights unseen
For your songs unheard
For your tastes untraveled

Tonight as I lay
Myself to troubled sleep
I shall dream such dreams
Where Jesus takes me down to The River

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leonard cohentribute

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