The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

We Have Had To Close The Door

We opened the door to freedom

We let them enter as they may

We denied not one single soul

Of freedom for it is they


Who came here to this country

Wanting to be free

And to build a better nation

Searching for equality


We never closed the door

To those who came to find

Freedom for their families

We were never that unkind


America was founded

By th...

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I’m a man whose tired and worn

Empty and dead on my feet,

Petered out, played out, pooped and torn

Burnout broke down and beat.


Drowsy, droopy, drooping drained

Dog tired, done in, done for,

Exasperated, enervated empty faint

Overtaxed, overworked and bored


Sick of, sleepy, spent and stale

Haggard, run down, all in

Consumed, collapsing, asleep,...

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The Schooners

The Schooners


With billowed sails the Schooner glides across the open sea

The crew secures the rigging as they’ve done through history

Port side there’s a Humpback coming up to take a look

They watch in pure amazement its like a picture from a book.


The Skipper takes the Helm and guides the vessel on its path

The crew they scramble round the deck to fight mother natures...

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Morning Writing

Morning Writing


I sit here by my window

And watch the birds out on the sill.

They are pecking at the seed

In the feeder, I just filled.


I sit here at my laptop

Trying hard to write a bit.

Words aren’t coming easy

As I slowly lose my wit.


I fix a pot of coffee

Then I drink a cup or two.

I sit and watch the birds some more

As I finish off my brew.


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light verse

Tell Me What You Really Think

Tell Me What You Really Think


You sat and looked at me as if,

I had lost my mind.

You told me I was crazy,

That I was unrefined.

The kind of life I offered

That you could not accept.

I think there's just a few lines

That I may have overstepped.


You said I had a screw loose

That I was fruity as a bat.

You called me crazy as a loon

Delirious and erratic...

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