The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Voices on the Bridge @Globetrotters Bar Pontypridd 13th December 2018

Voices on the Bridge Pontypridd,a poetry spoken word and music event has been running since October 2016 organised by yours truly Rob Cullen. The event has been based in the wonderfully atmospheric Pontypridd Museum a converted chapel next to the iconic Old Bridge of Pontypridd (hence the name). We've been lucky to have wonderful lineups and the event has become very popular both with performers a...

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Walking with water walking with love

Walking with water


When I was a child I believed God lived in the skies.

It was the only way God could see everything

God was everywhere his proximity was frightening

I walked the mountains searching endlessly

I know I wasn’t alone in these beliefs

I’ve written fifty years and a day, written as they say

without knowing whether my words are listened to

so I walk these m...

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