The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 27 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.


Someone once said "good poetry requires no explanatory notes" so here are mine for the poem that follows...

It describes a short walk along the coast of South Wales near to Swansea. The previous weekend Roger McGough had given a reading as part of the Dylan Thomas Festival in Laughan, a bit further down the peninsular. For those who don't already know that neck of the woods, the massive steelwork...

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Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs



Happy is the man who finds his place

Beside a waterworks with chickens to tend…tenderly


The eggs are warm - three a day even in the wintertime


Happy is the dog who gets to race

Around the garden in the late sun….sunnily


The eggs for sale - one pound per box in the honesty box please


Happy is the shepherd with ruddy face

Whose sheep come by come by…sheep...

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