The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Review: Undone at AXM in Manchester during Pride week

Undone gives an insight into the life of a gay guy living a hedonistic life on Canal Street; evenings fuelled by drink and drugs, ending in one-night stands. In the course of the story, he meets a guy new to the scene and relatively innocent.

As a gay man who has known the scene in Manchester, the first half of this play left me concerned that it was not going to show anything original. Don...

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AXMplayUndoneDominic Berryreview

My inner drag queen

There is a drag queen

whose star hangs between my joy and shame.

Baby Love is her name.


Ms. Love to you.


She’ll see you now,

though no audience sees her.

Look her in the face

and a regal red fingernail

gauges out your eyeballs.


She rises; a demure dragon,

sequin scales flashing disco hues.

Emerges from cave of tacky tiaras and tirami...

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I'm Losing My Faith...

I'm losing my faith in Most Haunted.

It's a TV show

where a team undaunted

enter into locations purported

to host paranormal activity.


Considered with an adult, educated eye...

it gives me the willies.


But my cast-iron faith in psychics

began to rust

when Derek Acorah was busted

using made-up names for ghosts

about as real as

David Cam...

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