The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 27 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.


Buzz is there all around

Players gearing up with the hope of excelling in Stade arena

Day and night with the goal of Altius

Ah! notches to go before the podium – Hymn for motivation

Scribes raring to go all out with razzmatazz

Raking up past history and records

To have a melange with live saga

Phryges is all set ready to rock

Council all set for the ribbon

The Torch, Un...

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Rainy Days

You come with a gust of wind

engulfing with dark cloud in the blue sky

the burst of lightning enlivens the horizon

you arrive with misty showers

bringing aura of coolness

Sometimes unabated, sometimes in spurts

the leaves flutter with life

dance the umbrellas with many colours

vibrate the birds with chirps

the soil announces i am quenched

emerges the rainbow at the w...

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Saffron Shower

Fresh is the mood in the air

Rose is the fragrance right through nostrills

you come with a air of exuberance

dancing to the tune of nature

swaying with the colour maize of sunset

making the leaves follow the wavy trail drenced with you

enthralling us with it's waves of showers

Saffron ! Saffron ! Saffron ! 

Keep swaying , showering , gyrating ..........

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Life in Mysterious Chamber

Oh god ! oh god ! I am in the out out for so many days , years

Feeling the pang inside to have a feeling of mysterious darkness

Give me a shot to have a preliminary glimpse

Oh….. Ohh…. It creates lump in heart , don’t know don’t know

How to say be it heaviness , fullness ….. but 

It arouses the drive inside me

But god forbids to have such liberty

You need to go to dark alley


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Ballads of an eternal scapegoat

guys ! guys ! guys !

Watch out for the world

clean air to breathe , pristine ambience to tread on

gifted by the supreme

Still the desire exists making souls devilish

Making the souls whine , grumble

Hang on Hang on weed away the ugly , ugly facets

No no no…………  We will remain same …………

Bow bow take up the blows

Go go stride forward hoping for a better tomorrow


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Birds…… Birds…. Birds……

Keep chirping, keep chirping to make morning  air fresh

Keep inhaling purging purging soul off imperfects

Keep swaying keep swaying to make clocks tick

Gyrating  to the call of nature with innocence

Make the heart  beat faster and faster

Stir the souls with flutter of wings

Make currents and tides dance and roll in the form of a mermaid

Keep the spir...

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