The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Sea in its Knowledge and Truth


The Sea in its Knowledge and Truth


Watching the sea in its gushing entirety 

And beauty, for amongst the waves, 

There is knowledge and truth. 


Skimming stones, as we used to, 

Throwing, abandoning them to blue, 

In all its eternity, remembering, 

Lives forgotten and dreams to come. 


Which never end, us we always exist, 

Like the hued water to the edg...

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Earth, Wind and Fire

Planets, wind & fire of creation

Light flew the right path

As our Moon lit up

Which lights our way, not lost. 

Alight from the side by the sun, 

As a tumultuous ball of flames

Found us, just as we're a  ball

Formed from fertile soil

From other-worldly asteroids. 


Of God and his vital ingredients

From what is found around us

What we thought we never had,

We ...

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For No Reason


We are being punished again

Celtic pagan human sacifices, 

For no reason. 


To make us belive we're mental. 

Through being locked up tormented, 

By the stalker kerb crawler police

And their NHS mental health staff 

Our health is none of their concern

When we didn't hurt anybody

Nor ourselves as they're supposed

To lock people up for, for the rules


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Petal Growing in Arid Ground

Your mien told me, that you are

That flower petal in arid ground

When we, level with the astral plane

Amongst the twinkling stars 

Back when petal, happy to be 

Without interference,

until the powers that be

came for you and for us, 


And your people came for us, 

Too, with their hate, we didn't

Know how to deal with them any-

More. they muddled our genius


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Entwined, long thick sinewy trunk, 

Marked I with colours of  love,

WIth friends, and soulmate

On the green, via rustling leaves  

Caling out to each other in song

Through the breeze,-kindred spirits, 

Without  begining nor end, at one

With the universe, same as us,

We too the never ending high, 

Tallness into the wide sky. 

Reaching for the heavens.

To the  being ...

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Without You, a Burden

Living on the boat 

Had been working on it

For the last three years, 

Tidying, and boat work. 


With more and more water 

Coming in, maintenance and to do, 

Rubbish to take to far away bins. 

Water brought from even farther. 


Taps to go to with vessels brought, 

Wood to collect and manage. 

Fruit to collect, fires make, 

Impossible to keep the cold out. 


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Words to reach you

I write and write to reach you, 

Hoping these words arrive

In some magical way,

As they touch the paper,

And set it heated aflame. 

To reach you via the spiritual aspect

From the material of wood, carbon, 

Ink, the natural elements. 

To get  to you through my touch

To the other side of the walls, 

Where you don't belong. 

There for no reason, they keep you ill. 


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Happy Teapot

As a wedding present we were given a tea-cosy,

And it makes me laugh and cry to think of you happy. 

Doing that little teapot dance, you in love with us,

To make tea whenever it took my or your fancy, 

Even when it was my turn to, you did more than me.

Am being fair, and you or  the powers that be,

Who took you away that night, that day, that morning, 

Broke into our house and...

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Can You Hear My Cry

Cry and cry, till I die

Can you hear,  I want you by me

As we used to play

In the long golden grass, 

My beautiful one. Long gone

Four years, but still with me


Played till state authorities saw

And stole from us our life, 

Raped us for themselves 

Persecuted us, we ran, not mad

To escape their tether chains cells

Far away, beyond altitude. 


For we are ...

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tling washUp awayfrom thosecliffs Moved all mountainsFast past the sun's raysSo they would not find usBut they must have doneWe still crying for one-anotherThis time tooin the cliffsCan you hear my crymy callThrough the sunsandetherCan you hear menowstill Ringingin the silent windSam Khan-McIntyreGavin Khan-McIntyrewritingswrite out loudwrite out

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