The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Blind LOVE

You must know
Life is not a show
You go up, you go down
But stop acting like a clown

You may pretend you don't care
Anyway you know what we share
Every time we both meet
We're falling in love a little bit

I do love you but never said
I'll still be like a shade
Will be watching all your moves
One day you'll see it proves

That the one from the past
Was always first to give h...

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careclowndeadly night shadefalling in loveloveshowtrouble

Too Proud to be happy!

Thanks, I realized who are you
But before my heart grew

Full of love and deep desire
They could feel between us a fire

I was with you dear always
And really, I had no holidays

Hospital could be my second home
Didn't stop me even a storm

After all I did for you 
I get words but only few

That was fair enough
To see the real stuff

The real truth knocked me off my f...

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