The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Sympathies for the Preacher

I see that depraved preacher man

Spewing at me variations of hate

For knowing variations of love,

Male, Female,

Romantic, Lustful.

In the shallowness of skin deep I have learned self-love.

I have found beauty in my body

Where I once could only envision the brokenness

A gaping hole where my heart was.

For so many years I had to reject what I felt

Kept pulling chunks of...

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anti-lgbtqLGBTQ history monthLGBTQLGBTQ poetrypoetryLove and loss faithless religionGod and Sciencepolitics and religion

The Self

“You’re beautiful!”

I’m sorry what?

“I said, you’re beautiful”

Why are you lying?


“You have amazing hair!”

It’s really not

“But it’s so curly.”

It tangles, it snares

I wish it straight.


“You’re  beautiful!”

I’m sorry, I’m not

“But you are!”

Why do you lie?


“Your skin is flawless.”

It’s make-up

“I’m sure you don’t need it.”

You can’t se...

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beautyself esteempoetry about beautyinner beautytattoosaccepting yourself


The trees are flesh made.

 Gauntly etched to form gangrenous limbs,

Skeletal fingers lacing outward

For the heavens.


A multiplicity of fungal greens

That curl and sway about the breeze.

The trees are flesh made,

Blood racing within barcomulch veins

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Treesnature poetryforestsgorebloodhorror

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