The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Dark days

My head and heart feel heavy
My legs restless 
Can't sit still
Can't sleep
Black mascara rivers
Stained cheeks
Chapped skin on my lips
Forced smiles
Inconsolable sobs
Heaving shoulders
Missing you


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Grief eases

When grief consumes completely, 
And tears cease only from exhaustion.
When life has stolen what you love,
And you droop like a flowers wilting deterioration.
Remind yourself, even though you cannot see it,
These wretched feelings are not your jail,
This will not forever be it.

You will again find laughter in life,
The beauty in the world, love and light.
Do not underestimate how hard t...

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Why does this world try to make me insane?
So much hate, to much anger and pain.

How can this world possibly heal?
When we don't even care how our fellow humans feel.

All these campaigns to stop smoking and drinking,
Why not campaign to stop hurting , start thinking.

Inside this huge universe we share such a small world,
Please human beings, stand up, be bold.

Smile at strangers an...

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Where is sleep?

Where is sleep?

So many deep in slumber,
So many fast asleep.
But for a few of us,
Dreamland is out of reach.
Focused thinking about gentle waves lapping at the white sand beach,
The picket fence or hedge and fluffy bouncing sheep.
Many visits to the back of eyelids,
Concentrating on slowing how we breathe.
And yet the land of nod, the sand mans dream gift eludes me,
Please oh please j...

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