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[D]eep thinkers ..never on-timers

[H]ilarious off the scale..mental one-liners

[D]etermined.. fun..blessed..if you find us 

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ADHDsensory overload


Rest time at bed time is not always the best time 

When I can't sleep.. they say to count sheep 


But my sheep don't help me  they keep me awake 

My eyes scared to close incase my soul they take 

I know it's an exercise to rest one's mind

My sheep in my head are not very kind 


I try to count them jump as they say 

Some of them run in the opposite way 


Some are...

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insomnianight terrorsnightmareADHDdream poetry

Wake up teachers we are not all the same

50 minit lessons secondary school college
50 minutes to pass on your knowledge
Lesson plan organised for class ..a plan is wishful thinking
Some brains expanding ..others shrinking
When your plan doesnt go to plan
Some understand more than others can
I take it that was not in your plan
One boy has only written out the date
Forgotten equipment and turned up late
You assume his rebellion an...

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