The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Sometimes I feel like saying every nasty thing that comes to mind
Making decisions for those who can't decide
It's demanding
Recyclable cycles supplying empathy and understanding

I'm just a human trying to be the best and give help to whom I'm sent
Devoted to the ones I love
Grateful for the help I receive
Sorry to those I've deceived
Guilty by nature ..due to low self worth and trauma

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Dimension vacations

A breakthrough my lover and me
We took on a challenge ,then picked up a key

As it turned.. the door unlocked 
Eyes locked, it felt like time stopped
The penny dropped 

We entered another world
A world of endless ideas in transition, preparing for fruition 
Access earned through completing a mission 
Higher power attuned..was God's decision 
A voice said ..Listen 

The answer w...

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Dimensioncodepoetic love story

Caribbean Magic

December I stand soft warm wet sand almost it buried my toes
as the waves role towards
Surfers on boards
Soft Whispers in wind as it blows

Eden rock dishes seasalt his kisses
Paradise this is my dear
Sea turtles at St barths
Oh what a great  start... to a wonderful Happy New year

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Newyear2025caribbeanst barthelemy


Oh darling yes you with the filters
To get His attention will take more than lip fillers

You claim to be helpful with your innocent approach
Systematic qualification hun and yes I see ghosts

And colours and auras oh all of that
But I look your direction..your soul is matt black

And I get it he sparkles but you must understand
We shine together with this Rock on my hand

Too bright f...

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funny poemengagedsocialmediafake

Just an observation

Just a little social observation
Listening in to conversations
Cyber toxins being fed now they think they know best
Their actions appear to otherwise suggest
Metaphorically dropping bombs causing divide
The VIPs  betting on who dies and who survives

Dismantling families  brothers and sisters
Good men jailed for fighting a war based on outrage from Chinese whispers
They are false news fue...

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spreading false factswarriotsinjustice


Seven year transformation a month apart
A butterfly
With a lighter heart ..heavier left hand
It's He and I
Oh what a start My beautiful man
New wings let's fly 

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What ever next

Beautiful city charged with celtic magic and culture
Sportsman warrior vibes surround the Muhammad Ali sculpture
Cast-iron strength foundation for scouse morals
Past are the times when straighteners solved quarrels
Gangs on busses some carrying blades
Boasting about firearms and handmade grenades
Balaclava stickmen, a frightened teen in disguise
dying inside ..One falls behind
now they're ...

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